Title: Sucasanna's Son
Universe: SHIELD CITY (prequel)
Possessiveness: I admit I have borrowed, bought, and stolen ideas my whole long life, but I claim this conglomerate, piecemeal mess as mine.
Characters: Haylan Sucasanna
Warnings: language, references to attempted rape and incest
Rating: PG-13
Word count: 390
Summary: Haylan Sucasanna has reasons to hate being his mother's son.
Beta Credit:
lavinialavender read it over, but I expect my errors will creep out the second I post this...
Author notes: This presents of Haylan's obsessions and character before he leaves home more than it is a story. What you need to know: his parents were both half-demons, so he is part-succubus/incubus, and lives in a small community of other demon-bred. His relationship with his family and the people around him more complex that this note can handle. Hopefully it makes sense in the fic. Concrit is welcome.
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He is Sucasanna’s son, and that means things.
That means he can smile at them (women, men) and, just like that, watch them respond. Shaky, uneven breaths; widened pupils; the slight shift of the hips that means they’re ready for his hand, and they don’t even know why. He wishes it was a choice, but it’s not. He has to smile because he gets hungry. And when he can feel that monster curling low in his stomach, he’s far too afraid of what it could do to say no to the little necessities of life.
Sex is like food. He makes sure they enjoy it, but the simple fact is that when he’s done fucking them-or being fucked, doesn’t much matter, he consumes their sensation, their desire, not his own-they’re nothing more than a bitter, hot taste on his tongue. The shadow of flavor for a need that never quite goes away. Memories do nothing but make him hungry, so he tries to forget.
He is Sucasanna’s son, and that means his name is synonymous with “whore” and also with “predator”. It means they laugh and say, “Haylan’ll fuck anything.” But when he’s standing in front of them, it’s half-fear, half-lust in their eyes.
He was raised with monsters, but the only one he’s even been afraid of is her. He has the scars and small lumps where his bones have healed less-than-evenly to prove his fear is justified.
He is Sucasanna’s son and that means he’s not picky. He fucks women, mostly, but only because Sucasanna hunts mostly men. It’s easier for them to share the same territory when he pretends he’s not a threat to her. He won’t let Sucasanna get close to him, but that’s because it’s suicide, not because he has qualms. She’s tried, but he knows that she wouldn’t just let him walk away.
He’d fuck his half-brother, but Noahl has never asked.
The only person he won’t even touch if he can’t help it is the Alatsun. He’s Sucasanna’s husband, and the closest Haylan has to a father. Haylan loves him so much it hurts to look at Noahl sometimes, because he, at least, looks like his father.
He’s Sucasanna’s son, and that means he will never belong to the Alatsun. Because he’s just a whore-like her-and will never deserve that which he desires.