Welcome to Presea's Forge! Only one person got Tousaka Rin's Azoth dagger from Fate/stay night? That settles it: no more merchandise rounds. For the foreseeable future, anyway, all images will be taken from the work itself rather than from outside representations. Sorry for making it hard, guys!
After Presea fixed the dagger, she came across this guy who wanted her to fix his ARM. O_o; ...Well, not exactly. It's armour that goes over his arm. And it's magical and can be rebuilt in a different way from most weapons! Naturally, of course, Presea needs to know how to fix it, so she needs its name!
She'd like the name of this weapon and the series it's from, and will give you three cards for your trouble. If you throw in the owner's name, the prize changes to two cards and a yellow ticket. Deadline is September 10th.