Here there will be 15 cards chosen at random. For now, all you need to do is comment with ANY card of yours and choose a card of your choice from the 15 cards that are in the pot. When you comment, please include the cards name and number, and you may want to list a back up card that you'd like just in case someone commented asking for your first choice. I will update the card pot ASAP. Meaning, you DO NOT have to wait a week to get your card. Once I update the post, the card you chose will be replaced with the card you traded for it, and other users will be allowed to claim it. You may only participate in this round ONCE. Thus, you can only trade one card in and only get one card. If you have any questions, just ask!
One more thing, this game follows the FIRST COME FIRST SERVE rule. Meaning, if you ask for the same card as someone above you, sorry but you won't be able to get the card. ):
This round ends Sept 23rd is closed!