Presea's Forge 006

Sep 17, 2009 19:13

Really, really sorry for the delay! Last week, school started and I completely forgot that it was the week to do games. From here on, I hope we'll be back on schedule!

Last time on Presea's Forge, Kazuma of s-CRY-ed needed Shell Bullet fixed. Wow, more people knew it than I thought! This week, someone came in who seemed very weirded out. It turns out that Presea shares a name with a dangerous criminal in that person's world, so naturally it would seem off-putting! Besides that, the weapon-fixing went normal. Presea just needs to know who to return it to, since the person forgot to leave a name.

Weapon name and originating series get you three cards. Add user's name and the prize changes to two cards and a yellow ticket. Deadline is October 1st!

mod: jisu, bi-weekly, presea's forge, games

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