Okay, so since I've missed a few weeks, my games this week will be a buttload of rounds put together~ And you know what multiple rounds mean ... LOTS OF REWARDS~ WHOO WHOO~ CARD TRAIN!
Too lazy to come up with a story, so how about some nice HINTS instead?!
In this round, Lelouch is dressed up as five different characters from five different series from one very popular and unique mangaka. Problem is ... GAH, THE PICTURES HAVE BEEN PHOTOCOPIED WITH A CHEAP NON-COLOR PHOTO COPIER~ But it shouldn't be too bad, considering the answers should be ~easy~ :)
Give me the name of each character AND THEIR series--you'll get two cards for each answer! Give me all five answers and I'll throw in a pretty yellow ticket. I'll give you two weeks for this week's games so you have until~ November 5th. :D