B L O O D Y Character: Asch Explanation: Asch is referred to as "Asch the Bloody". Card Worth: 1 Masters: frickbiscuits (FM)
C O L O N E L Character: Jade Curtiss Explanation: Jade is the colonel of the Malkuth Empire. Card Worth: 1 Masters: frickbiscuits (FM), enfacade
F O N I S T Character: Tear Grants Explanation: Tear is a seventh fonist. Card Worth: 1 Masters: enfacade (FM)
M O N E Y Character: Anise Tatlin Explanation: Because of her family's bad financial situation, Anise seeks to marry into money. Card Worth: 1 Masters: none
P R O M I S E Character: Natalia Luzu Lanvaldear Explanation: Natalia had continuously held on to the promise she and Asch had made. Card Worth: 1 Masters: none
R A P P I G S Character: Emperor Peony IX Explanation: Peony loves rappigs ♥ Card Worth: 1 Masters: none
R E P L I C A Character: Luke fon Fabre Explanation: Luke is a replica of Asch. Card Worth: 1 Masters: frickbiscuits (FM), enfacade
S I G M U N D Character: Guy Cecil Explanation: Guy battles using the Sigmund fighting style. Card Worth: 1 Masters: none