[OOC] So, regarding China's ability...

Jun 13, 2009 12:20

Hi everyone,
so I think it would probably be a good idea to post something continuing the explanation of China's power; Geokinesis.
Any type of kinesis can go into many types and levels, so I though it would best that I explain the limit and power on China's ability now so that there is no confusion of it later.

In the shortest way i can explain it; Geokinesis is the ability to move and control earth bound objects.

That means that if you had this type of kinesis, you would be able to lift up rocks (not oversized mountains....just boulders and stuff)) and move them without having to physically touch them. You would be able to help or destroy the growth of plants and would be able to make your punches and kicks feel like the a rock to the person (or object) being hit.

It it an extremely powerful strength, but cannot not be used just by snapping you fingers. This type of attack takes at least 10 seconds of concentration to use and can easily wear a person out if it it used in great lengths of time.

Also, this power can not be manipulated because it is not a natural strength. You are not born with geokenisis, you have to earn it. So it is really impossible for someone to 'borrow' this power without having previous experience with it.

Hope that made things more clearer....*had to check out a few library books on it to come up with all this stuff*
Please ask if you have anything you are still wondering about or if I did not explain something correctly ^-^

explanation, china, rp

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