Went to see ROTK again, this time with Jonathan. It was very fun. Though there was this cranky old couple that almost yelled at us while we were discussing what scenes they cut out. It was very rude. We were having an important discussion
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Oh my, poor little Jonathan. Its been several months and he's still in the dumps about the whole Buffy thing. I mean he needs to let go! They weren't that serious, and its been so long. Wish I could do something to cheer him up
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OMG, saw LOTR: ROTK on the midnight showing on Wedesday. It was sooo shibby! I mean it was so cool with the nazgul and the hobbits and all the really cool moves that Orlando Bloom Legolas did
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Ok, on saturday night? I was leaving the video game store with my new copy of Lord of the Rings: Return of the King for PS2, when I run into this girl who was obviously not very healthy looking. I mean it looked like she had leprosy
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man, Thanksgiving was so great! My aunt cooked the most wonderful food and it was all so great. I ate so much, I thought i was going to be sick
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