Emergency Delicious bookmark recovery technique:
If you cannot get
delicious' export page to work, even if you cannot log in, because they deleted your account, here is a technique that may work, although I recommend doing it quickly, since it takes advantage of a loophole I expect to be closed shortly:
- Find your hosts file. All computers have one, but not in the same location, so I suggest google.
- Open up your hosts file, and at the bottom add# temporary hosts file hack www.delicious.com secure.delicious.com static.delicious.com
Save the changes you've made. - Flush your dns cache. On windows, follow these instructions, on a mac, use these.
- Go to the delicious export page. If you get a 404, restart your browser, and try again.
- Log in, using your delicious username and password. If it redirects you to new-delicious at any point, go back to the link in the step above.
- Tick the top two boxes, if desired, limit your export to a few tags, and hit export. Your browser should open or prompt you to save a file called "delicious.html."
- Put "delicious.html" somewhere safe. It can be used later to import your delicious bookmarks to a new service, or if you are hardcore, to retrieve your bookmarks manually from the html.
- Go back to the hosts file you found in step 2, and delete the lines you added.
Tips from the comments:
Windows 7 and Vista users, read "
Edit hosts file in Windows 7 and Vista," and adjust instructions in step 2 accordingly. (h/t
This anonymous comment outlines a method for exporting information about your bundle, as well as your tags. I have not tried it, but since the above method recovers only tags, not bundles, you may wish to try it.
General comments:
This technique adopted from one suggested in comments elsewhere, and pointed out by
mecurtin. I will try to help people who have trouble, but I have neither a windows box nor a mac on which to test it, so I can only confirm it worked for me on linux.
If this works for you and you want to gift me a pinboard account, I would not say no, but honestly, I am selfishly glad if it works for you. I've always seen fandom's corporate bookmarks as a great fic-finding resource, and everyone who can recover their bookmarks is good news for me personally.
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