- It is not going to be the epic love-story of Hawkeye and Darcy Lewis. In fact, it seems as if the film is unaware that Darcy was the heroine of Thor. Um, excuse me, filmmakers? Jane is pretty kickass for a scientist, but does she taze a god? I don't think so.
- It is not going to be the story of how Darcy Lewis bonds with Loki over Lady Gaga and Xanax, and tries introduce him to the modern idea of dude, so much therapy.
- While there is a very good chance it is going to be the epic love story of Captain America and Iron man, it is certainly not going to entail Tony Stark realizing that the common element in all of his failed relationships is, in fact, Tony Stark, and also maybe he should investigate the concept of treating people (Specifically, Steve) better?
- Also unlikely to chronicle Tony's friendship with a bathtub-gin brewing senior citizen, Pepper's crusade to save orphaned manatees, or introduce the character of Princess Hulk.
- Probably will not give us Darcy punching Steve's V-card.
Oh, Avengers movie: so disappointing.
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