>>QUESTIONS 1: Basics
>>1. Full Name: Mallory Sue Daugherty
>>2. Nicknames: uhh..mainly mal, malfunction, and oh yeah, bad luck and kid(thanks eddie)
>>3. Siblings: duston (13) and dillon (11)
>>4. Girlfriend or Boyfriend: nope
>>5. Who do you have a crush on: haha. i think most, if not all, of you know :)
>>6. Where You Live: Hoover, Alabama
>>7. Birthplace: Long Beach, California
>>8. Birthday: November 4th, 1986 (the coolest birthday ever)
>>QUESTIONS 2: Favorites
>>1. Favorite Salad Dressing: ranch
>>2. Have You Ever Gone Skinny Dipping: maaaaybe? hehe
>>3. Favorite Movie: chicago, memento, and donnie darko
>>4. Favorite Book: uhhh..man..this is hard...i have to go with all the Harry Potter books and uhh..(well this isnt technically a "book" but whatever) Romeo and Juliet by Mr Bill Shakespeare
>>5. Favorite type Of Music: emo, punk, uhh..good stuff?...not country!!!
>>6. Favorite Car: i dont care about cars.
>>7. Type Of Car You Have Now: hhahahahaha!!!..(i dont have one)
>>8. Favorite Quote: hmm..good question?
>>9. Favorite Fast Food: Taco Bell!!!
>>10. Favorite Ice Cream: Cakebatter icecream from Coldstone Creamery with Cookiedough and Chocolate sauce mixed in :D
>>11. Favorite Soda: i dont drink soda
>>12. Favorite Store: uhh..the thrift store, walmart, delias, pacsun
>>13. Favorite Holiday: halloween and christmas
>>14. Favorite Food: chocolate chip cookie dough
>>15. Favorite Song(s): blah..i dont know? thats too hard!
>>16. Favorite Television Show(s): dont really watch TV, but i gotta go with Friends
>>17. Favorite Radio Station: dont listen to the radio either.
>>18. Favorite Junk Food: all of it :)
>>19. Favorite Candy: hershey's kisses, snickers, and tropical skittles :D
>>20. Favorite colors: yellow ..or.. pink and black(together)
>>21. Favorite Sneakers: comfortable ones
>>22. Favorite Sound: good music
>>23. Favorite Scent: Vanilla
>>24. Favorite brand of gum: orbit
>>25. Favorite animal: tigers (grrrr)
>>26. Favorite place to sleep: uhh..my bed i spose?
>>27. Favorite thing to do in the summer: hang out with my wonderful friends :)
>>28. Favorite thing to do in the winter: hot chocolate!! mmmm..
>>1. School: right now its looking towards either Auburn or Troy State...at Auburn i have lydia and at Troy State i have a full ride scholarship..sooo..yeah..im going for auburn, but my parents are liking this whole scholarship thing. so, blah.
>>2. Where you want to live: in the city!
>>3. How Many Kids You Want: meh, i dunno...2 at most!
>>4. What Kind Of Job You Want: a good one.
>>5. Do You Want To Get Married: of course.
>>1. Been In Jail: nope
>>2. Done Drugs: nope
>>3. Ran Away From Home: nope
>>4. Hit A Girl: nope
>>5. Hit a guy: me and my little brothers used to beat up eachother when we were really young.
>>6. What is in your bathtub: shampoo, conditioner, soap, razor, sponge?
>>7. Broken A Bone: meh. yeah..finger (slammed it in a door), hand (cheerleading) and i almost broke my foot (cheerleading)
>>9. Stripped: hmm..what do u mean by "strip"? hehe
>>10. Been in a rock band: nope
>>11. Called someone's mom mom by accident: maybe?
>>12. Been In The Hospital: yeah..for my 3 broken bones
>>13. Been Skinny Dipping: havent you already asked me this?
>>14. Cheated on anyone: nope
>>15. Been cheated on: nope
>>16. Been attacked by a big dog: haha..no
>>1. Coke Or Pepsi: neither
>>2. Cats Or Dogs: meh. i dunno..im not very fond of either.
>>3. One Pillow Or Two: 2
>>4. Deaf Or Blind: uh none of the above, thanks
>>5. Pools Or Hot Tubs: hot tubs
>>6. Television Or Radio: cd player!
>>7. CDs Or Tapes: CDs
>>8. Cooler Ranch or Nacho Cheese Doritos?: Cooler ranch
>>9. Mud wrestling or Jell-O wrestling?: hmmm...jello! lol
>>1. Love: n. deep, tender, ineffable feeling of affection and solicitude toward a person, such as that arising from kinship, recognition of attractive qualities, or a sense of underlying oneness. in other words, i dont know yet for myself, when i do know i will be glad to tell you my opinion.
>>2. Your Most Prized Possession: uh, this isnt really a "possession" but id have to say my friends. i love my friends soooo much :)
>>3. Hottness: is that even a word?......it's everything put together. not just what a person looks like but also their personality.
>>4. Sarcasm: good times
>>5. Canabilism: yuck
>>6. The Best Thing That Has Ever Happened To You: i cant believe im saying this but moving to alabama.
>>7. Your Favorite Slow Song: thats way too hard...
>>8. The grossest thing you've ever eaten: milos
>>10. The best feeling in the world: hmm..love seems pretty cool..
>>11. The worst feeling in the world: rejection
>>12. The scariest thing thats ever happened to you: uhhh..that one night in the middle of nowhere, man.. eddie, i was scared to DEATH!
>>13. The best number in the world: 8! (and 4!)
>>14. The best memory of this year: uhhh.. :)
>>15. A memory you miss the most: california
>>1. Life: hmm..wow. life. the hardest part of life is living i guess.
>>2. Penguins: cute
>>3. Love: i think they (they? psh. like i know who they is) already asked this question
>>1. Makes You Laugh The Most: lydia
>>2. Do you hate: no one :)
>>3. Knows The Most About You: lydia, erika.. and mitch is getting on up there..
>>4. The Most Shy Around The Opposite Sex: dunno?
>>5. Seems to be the most down to earth: dunno..
>>6. Has It Easier, Guys Or Girls: guys!
>>7. Loudest person You Know: haha lydia and brittney!
>>8. Craziest Person You Know: all my friends are crazy! :D
>>9. Weirdest Person You Know: all my friends are weird! :D
>>10. Are you thinking about right now: haha kyle. he just sent me a text message. whoo hoo! :)
>>1. Do You Ever Save AOL Conversations: not really? occasionally.
>>2. Do You Save Emails: yep.
>>3. Do You Save Pictures People Send You: sure?
>>4. How Many People On Your Buddy List: 189
>>5. When Are You Usually Online: when i dont have anything else to do.
>>6. Do You Like Motorcycles: im pretty indifferent towards them
>>7. Is ____ not the most sexiest beast you'll ever ever met? do what?
>>8. What are your favorite stores: ok i know ive been asked this already!
>>9. Does the Moon Turn? sure why not? actually, i have no idea.
>>11. When Do You Go To Sleep: when i get off the phone
>>12.When Do You Wake Up: after my normal alarm and my tv alarm go off!
>>13. Do you sleep with a nightlight: nope
>>14. What's underneath your bed: a bunch of stuff!
>>15. What do you wear to bed: depends
>>16. Is your bed made: never
>>19. What do you think of Ouija boards: uhh? who cares?
>>20.Where do you wish you were right now: not here
>>21. Are you righty, lefty, or ambidextrous: im a righty when i write and a lefty when i tumble
>>22. What's on the walls of your room: bright yellow paint!
>>23. Do you type with your fingers on the right keys: pretty much
>>24. Do you eat chicken with a fork or your fingers?: fingers!
>>25. If you were to get a tattoo,what would it be and where? lower lower back. and im not sure yet?
>>26. When was the last time you took a shower?: this morning.
>>QUESTIONS 10: Are you...
>>1. ...hott?: hahahah! noooo!
>>2. ...a slut?: nope
>>3. ...clumsy?: not really?
>>4. ...lazy? oh yeah
>>5. ...athletic? i guess?
>>6. ...trustworthy?: very
>>7. ...religious? kinda
>>8. ...always on your best behavior?: muwhahaha
>>9. ...shy? nope!
>>10. ...courageous?: not really sure?
man..that took waaayyy too long.
exactly one month till my our 17th birthday!!
hehe yaaayyy! :)