I scaled these down ALOT so they'd be easier to look at.
I got a digital camera for Christmas and decided to post pictures of all my presents. Hehe.
Since I wear Jason's tobaggan all the time, and my grandmother sent Rebecca out and told her to pick out something for her to give to me, and I happened to be with Rebecca as she was shopping, Rebecca let me pick out a tobaggon. But shhh! Don't tell. My grandmother thinks I didn't know.
Ehhh...it's like a spinoff of a Loius Vitton(I don't know how you spell that.) or something. My other grandmother gave it to me, so ya know, old people never know what to get you and it's the thought that counts so it's cool.
Ahh! I already have that shirt. I'm keeping it though, cause that one fits much better than the other one I have. And there's a $25 gift certificate to Best Buy. From: Eric and Olivia
Pink pagamas from Victoria's Secrets. So I don't usually wear alot of pink but they're pagamas, they're comfortable, and I love that store. Haha. From: My mom.
I don't know if you can see that too well, but it's a tan jacket, white blouse, and a white cami from PacSun. I love PacSun and the clothes are good clothes to wear when I dress up or something like that. From: My Keller cousins/aunt/uncle.
Nothingness. Why would I post this? Because Jeff didn't give me anything. He's taking me shopping to PacSun or Hot Topic instead.
A little kit of nail polishes and stuff. There's like 5 different colors. From: David.
A $25 Gift Certificate to Friendly Center. I could really use that. From: The Brewer cousins/aunt/uncle
A digital camera(the box since I was kinda using the camera), a $50 gift certificate to Hot Topic and a $30 gift certificate to Best Buy. From: My parents.
THIS THING IS SO COOL. It's like this thing that generates colors and you put water in it and it generates this colorful mist. You also add oils and stuff for aroma. Of course(since the whole misty thing and that's kinda weather-ish), it was from Jason.
Yeah, so that's the bunch. I decided to post that and toy around with my new camera. Expect more picture posts and better quality pictures as I get used to using them. :D