Can someone please help?.........

May 31, 2003 03:47

As some of you know the photohosting site, has closed. This was the site I used to host all my icons/layouts. I have lost a lot of graphics. Including the newest set of Buffy Icons I had made, close to 40 different icons. hmmm, its pretty frustrating.

Tonight, as I was remaking layouts for my icon community and a few personal journals...I thought about quitting. Like not making icons anymore. I know it sounds like Im being a baby but this is the third time a photohost has does this to me. And like a dummy, I dont make backup files. (I know I should have learned this by now), mean alot to me. I like making them its a wonderful hobby. So I dont want to throw that away so Im not going to quit. BUT i need to come up with a better solution for hosting my images.

I have decided to go ahead with a paid host. I figure that it has better coverage, and Ill be guarenteed space. I will not have the money to do that until next friday plus, I want to research and figure out the best spot. I have set up a free account at for now to host my icons. So I will still be posting in the meantime.

The problem I am having is with my layouts. I like to use .png files (better image quality) and page producer will not support them. I was wondering if anyone can host 2 backgrounds for me until I have a paid host. They are pretty large in file size....But Id really appreciate it. I can give you codes or icons...or both if you want. It would really help me out.

If you are interested please comment me here, or email me at

Thanks again,
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