So, I happened to be fixing a thing on one of my posted fics and I noticed my digi art isn't there. Instead is a notice from Photobucket about 3rd Party hosting. Okay. So I went to the site and I see they've changed things up. If I want to be able to embed my pics - which I do - at places like AO3, I have to sign up for P500. Do you want to know
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Comments 9
I've also used the photo stuff on LJ, and I know DW now has some of the same stuff. And finally, I've used WWOMBTube - mostly for MP3 hosting of my podcast, but there's also image hosting and video hosting. Of course it's on my own server, so I can do what I want with it. :)
It's good to be the king! LOL!
So I tried the same on Flickr and that worked perfectly! Now I'll have to being the process of uploading all my title cards and fic art, and replacing links on AO3. Sigh.
I tried Imgur but the embed code didn't work. Tried Flickr...success! It was super easy, too, and offers a wide variety of posting sizes that are easily selected. I think that's what I'll be using.
I forgot I have a Flickr account! Yes, it's easy to use :)
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