I'm an idiot

Jul 09, 2016 17:24

I had repressed forgotten yet another trip into the wilds of my husband's family this next week so I won't be online AT ALL for eight or nine days. I'm sorry for leaving my ridiculously over long and meandering The Email Order Bridegroom but with packing and cleaning I'm tied up until we drive away. Ugh. This is the third time we've been up ( Read more... )

family, real life

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Comments 45

velvetwhip July 9 2016, 22:39:34 UTC
I am so sorry you have to go on such an unpleasant trip. We'll be here to ease your pain when you get back.



brunettepet July 10 2016, 01:40:29 UTC
Thanks for the commiseration. Even the mister has started dreading these trips.


kuwlshadow July 9 2016, 22:52:13 UTC
Well at least forgetting about it you didn't have think about it until now. Hope those days go by quickly for you. :D


brunettepet July 10 2016, 01:41:22 UTC
Good point. Last night and today were a total bitch fest so I bet the mister was glad I hadn't remembered. Glass half full :D


therck July 9 2016, 23:38:35 UTC
Ugh. I'm sorry. Long drives and tense family situations are hard. I'd have been avoiding remembering it, too.

I hope it all goes as well as it can and that you get some time to yourself in the midst of it all.


brunettepet July 10 2016, 01:43:35 UTC
One good thing is we get the family home all to ourselves as his mom has moved into assisted living (the reason we're going up). The family home empty of everything but the couch and one bed but at least there will be alone time for the first time in nearly thirty years of this trek.


enigmaticblues July 10 2016, 00:18:29 UTC
Ugh. You have my sympathies.


brunettepet July 10 2016, 01:44:00 UTC
Thank you.


kattale July 10 2016, 01:43:16 UTC
My sympathies. Hopefully the family-in-law will have some redeeming features - may you enjoy the trip.

Is the title you mentioned a story you are writing? Is there a link?


brunettepet July 10 2016, 01:51:13 UTC
Their redeeming features is the brother has a pool and likes beer. That is all but it's some saving grace.

The story is pretty terrible but it's at camelot_drabble and I've been filling the prompts so it's all over the map . I think it started off strong but has lost its way but it's fun to write. Here's the start http://camelot-drabble.livejournal.com/763745.html


kattale July 10 2016, 16:19:01 UTC
Thank you!


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