Pomona? No the Real CalPoly

Sep 05, 2005 22:04

"For all those tired of the confusion...

A:Where are you going
B: CalPoly
B: No the Real CalPoly "

=P found that on a facebook group; so true

yes yes, i know, i havn't up dated in FOREVER! i'll try to be a little better i also have a MySpace that you can catch me at.
Thought i'd also get with the times and get myself a Facebook for ( Read more... )

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Comments 2

disneylandgirl September 6 2005, 17:33:25 UTC
That's so true....you have to put on all your resumes and everything else official that you went to San Luis Obispo, because if you put just Cal Poly they might assume you went to Pomona and that would be unacceptable. Because...who the hell goes to Pomona??? Also...One day my friends were walking on campus (Cal Poly SLO!!) and a car asked where a building was. They didn't recognize the name and the girls in the car were like 'This is cal Poly pomona right???' Idiots...anyway, always make sure there is no confusion about which one you go to. (The better one of course)


yelo13 September 7 2005, 14:59:23 UTC
i wan to go visit you!!!!


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