life? let me rephrase that later.
It's 4:27 am and I'm still awake. I had to finish two essays for tomorrow, and drank too much coffee. A lesson plan and a critical response to a classroom study. Boring.
The good news is that I now only have one essay left, but the deadline was extended to January the 8th, so there's no hurry... I'll get the vacation I need. Next year: a course in literature, focusing on the Bloomsbury group, 2/2 of the Text and Discourse course and an introductory course to gender studies, art history + applying to universities in Australia and London. Probably some work and bass-playing as well.
But it should not be even close to the hell this Autumn has been. I need to stop over-achieving. I don't need to take all courses possible. It's bad for my health to sit at the computer every day and write essays that make no sense. I haven't been walking a lot lately, which is a bit depressing. I need to get out, get some fresh air and move.
Next year, well actually already next week, I will finally have time to relax. I'm thinking of maybe fasting a few days before Christmas, I feel so full of coffee and bad food choices that it's making me sick. Too late to be sorry, I know.
I got a Christmas card from Scotland, again! this time I have to reply. I'm going to send some pictures of Turku too. I don't understand why they want to keep in touch. I really liked the family, but I behaved very badly - I went to pubs almost every day and, well, I didn't spend as much time with them as I could have. I wonder why they would like to hear from me, because I find it hard to believe that they liked me. Maybe it's the British politeness.
The news have been quite horrible lately. Of course they're nothing compared with wars and catastrophes, but ugh...the serial killer in Ipswich, and the horrible murder of Paula Björklund (?) make me wonder how things can go so wrong in people's heads.
My aunt gave me soap and shampoo stolen from a hotel for Christmas. It's the thought that counts, right? All her presents are either broken or free stuff, but she's such a lovely person. I wish she would tell me more about her travels in America. Sometimes it seems like all my relatives have had really "cool" lives, they've traveled a lot and experienced so much, and they seem to wonder why I'm not already exploring the world.
I have a friend who is like that. She just decides to do something and jumps into it. You never know which part of the world she's in, Mexico, Helsinki, Sweden... Right now she's working for some peace organization in Belgium. Sometimes she makes me jealous.
Now when I think about it, these 2 months have not been that bad, really. I've been out, watched concerts and met friends that I haven't seen in a long time. I haven't seen Marco since the Slayer concert, though. I really wish that he would move to Turku already.
This entry is useless. pointless. boring. I blame the lack of sleep.