Links, ficlets etc

Aug 22, 2010 14:59

Apologies in advance for some spamming today - so much to say, so much to share... *g*

Firstly, katekat1010 is offering some of her wonderful graphics to the top five bidders on her Help Pakistan offer here. Currently only four bidders, so your chances look good... but if you want to bid higher and try to outdo the rest of us in a good cause, we'd be delighted.

Secondly, a quickie femslash_minis entry for the Lilah round. A little unexpected, more with the plot than smut: One Day At A Time Lilah/Willow, PG is here. Femslash minis is about to reboot and start again with the full range of Jossverse womenfolk. If you're at all interested in writing f/f, I'd say join the comm and see whether you get inspired. Some of the info is flocked, so you may be missing out if you don't.

Thirdly, another bingo ficlet from my bottom drawer. Guess what? It’s Rulesverse! It was half-written before I knew anything about the Riley one-shot, and (in line with my personal philosophy) has Nothing Whatever To Say About Season 8. It is, though, third in my inadvertent Unpopular Characters Fic Week. There's room for everyone in the Rulesverse. Apart from Jesse, Jenny, Doyle, Tara, Joyce, Molly, Annabel and anyone else who died before AtS season 5. And Fred. Because there's only so much resurrection an AU can take.

Author Brutti ma buoni
Title Just Right
Rating PG
Pairing/Characters Riley/Sam, Gunn
Words 500
Prompt ‘Hanging pictures’, for Mundane Bingo.

“Up a little. Left, just a- No, too much. As you were, Finn.”

“Honey,” and by this Riley meant ‘love of my life, wife of my heart, who is currently right on my last nerve’, “The level says the picture’s square. You say it’s a little off in some way you can’t quite identify, that isn’t up, down, left or right. I say we go with the level. Nothing in this old place is perfectly rectilinear, right?”

Sam grinned. “So true. Feels like Pago Pago all over again. Remember Samoa?”

Of course he remembered. The night of the waterfall... But also the crazy-askew house they’d been assigned, where no angle was a right angle - including the ones between wall and floor. Which had them both walking squint-eyed for the duration of their time.

“Yeah. I remember. Sometimes, you can’t square things off, cuz the world isn’t square.”

“That’s right, captain. Now shut up and get done with your pro bono picture hanging.”

“Shh! Cover!”

“Finn, we have no cover,” said Sam, placidly. “Our CO may think it’s possible to covertly infiltrate the Slayer Council by way of offering to fix up their crappy dorm rooms for free, but that’s a crock. Everyone knows what we do, they’re gonna know why we volunteered. You never met any of these guys before last week anyway...”

Riley tried not to show Except Angel. With the punching incidents. It wouldn’t help his argument now.

But his argument went down for the count next moment anyway, when Charles Gunn stuck his head round the door. “Hey, Mr and Mrs Secret Agent. We got a coffee run going - you wanna latte?”

“Cappuccino, medium, extra shot, thanks,” Sam responded, as though their whole mission hadn’t just failed. “Hey, Charles. You know we’re working for the government here, right?”

Half shrug in response. Evidently so obvious Gunn wasn’t even going to answer. Dammit.

Sam was continuing, unperturbed, “We think maybe there’s some scope for us to work with you. Share a little intel, check everything’s covered. We got more firepower, you got mystical knowhow we can’t dream of, right?”

“Yeah...” Gunn was uneasy. “I can take it to Council, okay. No promises. Maybe you could gimme a two page brief to share, too? Be good to have something concrete to discuss.”

Two page brief. On two covert organisations collaborating to reduce the sub-terrestrial threat. If that gets out... Riley’s face must have shown it, because Gunn got a little less friendly.

“No more sneaking around, though. We don’t appreciate spies.”

Sam gestured to the tasteful view of cliffs at sunset that might or might not be hanging square. “But we did a nice job fixing up the Hyperion while we spied, right?”

Riley had to admire her (as always) as she won a grin from Gunn. “We’ve worked you pretty hard, that’s true.”

“Anytime,” she said, and obviously meant it. “Now, how ‘bout that coffee? Finn will have a caramel macchiato, but don’t let that get around. Not good for the image.”

Riley loved his wife very much. Even though she went back to squinting consideringly at the almost-level picture as Gunn left. Looked like she’d redefined their mission, anyway. Probably for the better.



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