Ficlet: Polyglot (Lorne)

Aug 23, 2010 19:53

What do you not usually get randomly at the supermarket? Lobster at half price! I don't think I've had lobster for five years or more; it's good, but not four times as good as crab, which is about the price differential. But I can't resist a real knockdown bargain so tonight, my pleasant broccoli and chilli pasta was adorned with Lashings of Lobster. I shan't get used to it, but yum.

Another Mundane Ficlet today. Wouldn't call Lorne an unpopular character, but he isn't written all that much, so my inadvertent theme week continues.

Author Brutti ma buoni
Title Polyglot
Character Lorne
Rating PG
Words c250
Prompt “Trying to remember how to say good evening in another language” at Mundane Events Bingo. Lorne fits into the Angel operations in the Rulesverse.

“Hello. Welcome! Buenas tardes! Benvenuti! Bonsoir! Wilkommen! शाम को अच्छे. Jioni njema! Goeden avond! Mirëmbrëma! مساء الخير. 晚上好.Dobra večer. God aften. Did I miss anyone out? Oh, I’m so sorry, 今晩は,” he added, spotting Noriko Ochiai at the back of the group.

Lorne tried to be a good host. Really, truly. ‘Twas his nature, after all. The classes of potential Slayer Support Officers that washed through the Hyperion these days stretched him, but pleasantly so. When the sorceresses declared war on the musclemen, and the plumbing gave out again to a Babel of dismay, he smiled, sang and got through it.

He didn’t care to visit Wolfram and Hart, these days, but he’d made the Hyperion into a cosy nest for the multifarious crowds who passed through its portals. They came as a motley group of semi-experts, hardly believing they’d fallen into this world where people talked openly about the supernatural. They would leave as a motley group of total experts, convinced they were about to save the world. They’d learn. And they probably would save the world too. The chances were good.

Lorne loved his job.

Except... “Um, I have you on my list, but I’m really sorry, I’ve forgotten the D’jampik for Good Evening. So embarrassing. Senility strikes young in Pylea, you know!”

Luckily T’ak P’ing turned out to speak fluent English, and she was very sweet about his little lapse. She’d make an awesome addition to the trans-dimensional travel team. Once they got used to the heads.



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