Why is it that when you really start to like someone Another person steals them away at that exact time But the worst part about it all ...is that the person stealing him away is your own sister I'm fucking tired of getting my heart broken !!!!!!
been up since 4 am stressed out fucking tired as can be don't wana deal with school hating that the world is passing me by and all i can do is try to chase after a life that i deserve
Red when you're falling in LOVE Orange during HAPPY times Yellow when you're ENJOYING the sun Green, the stem of a BEAUTIFUL rose Blue, the sky when you DREAM Purple, the STARS at night the continuous rainbow that always shines brighter after a cloudy day
the heart that was once content is now aching with confusion confused with thoughts of what i wanted what i have, what i need the need to live, laugh, love and be loved trying to understand what i dont have
I'm going on retreat tomm. From what i kno the people in this group are pretty kool. i get to miss 2 days of school and be with my friends, how exciting. haha. If anyone hears of parties for this weekend call my cell or write me a message. ~ SMOOCHES ~ ashley