(no subject)

Jan 31, 2005 16:17


First job:Shop and save

First screen name: Raistlin384@msn.com
First self purchased CD: Metallica
First funeral: My grandfathers
First piercing/tattoo: nope neither
First credit card: Providian financial visa
First enemy: My dad
First big trip: disneyland when I was 12 I think
First concert: Yankee gray
First musician you remeber hearing: country something country


Last big car ride: driving my friends to freak night bunch ravey girls
Last library book checked out: whats a library
Last movie seen: Alien vs. predator the new one
Last beverage drank: mountain dew shoulda been beer
Last food consumed: top ramen like a half hour ago 
Last phone call: I dont get phone calls i dont live where i am at
Last CD played: wow dont remeber
Last annoyance: hannah didnt make a very good pillow she moves too much
Last soda drank: mountain dew
Last ice cream eaten: chocolate cookie dough
Last time Yelled at: cant remeber it was probably my friend jon
Last shirt worn: black with flames at the bottom
Last website visited: Live journal cause people i know use it

--7 things you look forward to--

1. Getting off probation
2. Half Blood Prince
3. Watching more qaf
4. not having friends stab me in the back
5. getting a finalized divorce
6. getting my own place (parties are easier that way me and chris have allready started planning)
7. getting a car easier to throw parties if you can go get everyone

8 things you wear:

1. shoes
2. socks
3. top
4. pants
6. underwear
7. dont have 8 I'm a guy


-full name: Bruce Edward Donelson
-height: 5'8
-location: Washington
-fears: enclosed spaces(clastrophobic)


-peed your pants: not that i ever remeber
-fallen off the bed: nope
-fallen for a relative: nope
-had plastic surgery: nope
-failed a grade: nope but i did fail P.E.
-somthing you regret: quitting my job at the dollarstore
-listening to: no music
-reading:nothing right now
-chatting with: hannah

--DO YOU--

-brush your teeth: never do remeber this step in the morning
-like anybody: yeah
-have any piercings: none
-drive: yep other peoples cars
-believe in santa claus: sure why not why disbelieve


-hugged: Lottie my adopted mom
-IMed: hannah
-talked to on the phone: theres that phone thing again
-yelled at: jon
-tripped: brandon


-what do you want to be when you grow up: wanted a MBA but thats scratched just wanna be rich win the lotto
-what was the worst day of your life: finding out i missed my grandmothers funeral
-what is your most embarrassing story: never really get embarassed
-do you have a boyfriend? no not my thing but travis should soon
-if you had an extra set of eyes, where would you put them?: back of my head cant trust people too much and that way i see people coming when they do stab me
what do you usually think about before going to bed: hmmm winning the lotto


-movie: Alien vs Predator
-song of the moment: don't have one but probably something from a musical
-group of the moment:none i'm listening to a lot of stuff atm.
-relative: my grandmother thats dead
-vacation spot: Las Vegas
-ice cream flavor: chocolate cookie dough
-candy: twix's and kit kats and sour candy
-holiday: what are these things they are silly rituals that remind you that your alone
-favorite day of the week: saturday
-color: black and blue
-magazine: dont read magazines got a subscription to maxim and my ex used to read it
-name for a girl: Gabrial
-name for a boy: Aleczander or just Zander i always like this name

--DO YOU--

-like giving hugs: these are good
-like walking in the rain: love dancing and singing
-sleep with or without clothes on: in my clothes i can change the next day
-prefer black or blue pens: black
-dress up on halloween: no dont see the point
-have a job: yeah i wish
-like to travel: yes but it depends on the company
-sleep on your side, tummy, or back: stomache normally
-want to marry: yeah I will try it again if I ever find love again
-have a goldfish: no
-have stuffed animals: no i dont


-simple or complicated: simple
-law or anarchy: anarchy
-mtv or bet: vh1 is better but between these to MTV
-7th heaven or dawsons creek: Dawsons creek was awesome I love joey the girl
-sugar or salt: both
-silver or gold: Gold it looks good with my skin tone
-tongue or belly button ring: neither
-chocolate or flowers: well i guess i will do flowers i was taught how to pick out good ones even though its just for giving them to other people
-color or black-white photos: color, black and white makes me fill old
-m&ms or skittles: m&m's
-rap or rock: both I listen to everything just about
-stay up late or sleep in: both I have to after i stay up all night
-tv or radio: TV is better but radio will do
-hot or cold: cold all you have to do is put on a blanket or jacket
-taller members of the opposite sex or shorter: shorter
-sun or moon: moon i hate that bloody sun makes me sneeze
-diamond or ruby: diamonds I like them
-left or right: right
-10 acquaintances or one best friend: 10 acquantances that way it doesnt hurt you when they stab you in the back
-kids or no kids: got two there the best
-cat or dog: cats unless it a pure bred husky in which i will just die to have one
-half empty or half full : half empty
-mustard or ketchup: mustard
-newspaper or magazine: newspaper if i have to choose
-spring or fall: fall
-give or receive: give
-rain or snow: rain i love it

a year of hot sex or a lifetime of friendship: a year of hot sex let people get close you will get hurt
-happy or sad: sad but i keep on a happy face
-wonder or amazement: wonder
-mcdonalds or burger king: mcdonalds
-mexican or italian food: both, but i prefer mexican
-lights on or off: off
-duct tape or scotch tape: duct tape
-candy or soda: sda
-a house in the woods or the city: both would work but i like the city scene more.

Well that was fun i guess i would have to thank hannah for this one.  Well hope you all have fun reading this even though I only have like three friends.
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