My turn I guess.
1. She is watching TV. What is she watching?
2. You're out to eat. What kind of dressing does she get on her salad?
3. What's one food this person doesn't like?
Anything from Mad Mex aside from the bean dip. I guess that's more than one, but she thinks it all tastes the same.
4. You go out to the bar. She orders......
Depends what they have, Victory Hop Devil? Yuengling? Corona?
5. What size shoe does she wear?
7. If this person were to collect anything, it would be......
8. What is her favorite type of sandwich?
I thought the answer was some sort of turkey-melt from Eat'N'Park but I guess I was wrong, I still don't know.
9. She could eat _______________everyday.
10. Favorite cereal?
I don't think she even eats cereal that often, she eats Special K breakfast bars sometimes.
11. She wouldn't be caught dead wearing...
12. Favorite sports team?
Yeah right :)
13. Who will she vote for?
14. What is her sign?
I know her birthday but I don't know what cutesy animal symbol represents that day.
15. What is something you do that she wishes you didn't?
Creep forward slowly while waiting at red lights.
16. How many states has she lived in?
17. What is her heritage?
Pseudo-Italian, "former Yugoslavian"?
18. You bake her a cake for his birthday. What kind is it?
Not Chocolate.
19. Did she play sports in high school?
I guess she was a cheerleader, but just in grade school I think?
20. She could spend hours?
Watching a good tv show from the first show of season 1 until the very last episode as a marathon.