I dont know how i ended up here. the madness lead me this way. Was searching for some local bands to come to the idaho falls area and do some shows.. ended up on your journal. HIGH. Im Anti, well thats what they call me anyways. Im gonna add you if thats cool?
Hello, tis Nicole. Mod of soulinstereo. We went through quite a dry spell, what with me not having internet and Cari being gone quite a bit, but we're back and running now, and I'm leaving notes in every members journal to let them know that we are. Participation at this point is kinda low, and we want to bring it back up and get it going full blast. Hopefully, we'll see you soon. Thanks! --Nicole
Comments 9
We went through quite a dry spell, what with me not having internet and Cari being gone quite a bit, but we're back and running now, and I'm leaving notes in every members journal to let them know that we are. Participation at this point is kinda low, and we want to bring it back up and get it going full blast.
Hopefully, we'll see you soon. Thanks!
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