I’ve been reading as much as I can about Adenomyosis while I wait for the doctor to get back with me about the next steps.
I feel frustrated, depressed and angry with the situation. I just wanted one more chance to have a baby. Now I’ve had one miscarriage and my chance of having another or even a stillborn baby are increased with this diagnosis.
From what I’m reading, the only true cure is a hysterectomy. It also sounds like this is a debilitating disease for many women, but often doesn’t start until after 40. I’m only 37. Luckily I don’t have many symptoms right now.
Last night Solomon spiked a fever, threw up and was hallucinating. I didn’t get much sleep and today he’s missing school and I had to cancel my coffee date with Audrey.
Daniel and I were supposed to go on a date last night but my moms blood pressure has been rising so she wasn’t able to watch the kids.
It feels like everything is going wrong.
Sometimes I feel like I’ve completely lost myself in parenting. I love my kids so much but they don’t really care about my feelings. There’s no room to feel sad in parenting. Kids keep being kids with needs and don’t give an F if you are having a bad day.