Why when I look back on being younger do I only remember simpler lighter times?
Where things really simpler or has time shed the stressful or unhappy moments from my memory? When I think of Winterhaven Rd, I only remember cool Spring days, playing outside with Kim for hours. When I think about high school, I mostly remember going to shows with friends and sunny days.
For some reason I don’t remember a lot about college, but what I do remember is freedom and fun.
I’m trying to take it all in right now with my babies. Times are strange. We are still mostly confined to the house as so much is unknown about the virus.
We anticipate welcoming twins in the fall. An atypical cool breeze is always in the air. I’m playing my favorites playlist with songs from different stages of my life. It seems to be the one thing that keeps my spirts high on days when I want to panic from the paralyzed state of life we are living in right now.