OMFG!! DUDE THAT IS LIKE SOO NOT COOL! You can't have moved farther away nooo i won't accept that fact....*sniff* U are coming back now! this is like so sad cause we all miss ya down here....*hugs u tight* I am gonna come up there and kidnap u..yea that is what i'll do..hehe ~EV~
OMG, that hits like a brick! Know that i send you TONS and BUNCHES of love, and hopefully we can keep in touch through LJ. i miss you already! don't worry - there's no way to forget you! *Allie*
Bryant!!!!!!! I can't believe you're leaving! AHHHHHHHH!!! my little buddy is leaving! NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! you better keep in touch! I can't believe you're going away AGAIN!
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