I just bzoinked you.

Oct 21, 2005 15:08

Name: Hannah Marie.
Age: I'm sixteen.
Height: I am five feet, six inches.
Hair color: I have light brown and redish hair.
Eye color: Blueee eyes.
Glasses/Contacts?: I wear my glasses at home.
Freckles?: Only when I get really tan.

Subject: I adore math because B.Smith is a sex god, but besides that, I'm all about english. 
Book: Cut, White Oleander and Gossip Girl series.
TV show: I am pretty random on TV but, Desperate Housewives, anything on Disney, and MADE.
Movie: Spiderman 1, Spiderman 2, Center Stage, Moulin Rouge, Charlie and the Chocloate Factory.
Actor/Actress: DAKOTA FANNING. 
Food: I eat Border Grill at least once a week.
Drink: Hands down, diet pepsi.
Animal: I like dogs, and I don't like cats, except I knew this cat Nutmeg, and she was pretty cool.
Band: I'll be a Backstreet Boy fan for life, but, SoCo, Brand New, Dashboard, Fall Out Boy, My Chemical Romance, and Black Eyed Peas.
Song: At the moment it is, Superman by Eminem and Caress me down by Sublime.
Facial Feature: Of who? Myself? My eyes.
Color: Iiiii wear too much pink.
Place to visit: MEXICO.
Room in your house/apartment: My own room, cause I have orange curtains and a huge bed.
Fictional Character: Prout told me Spiderman isn't real.
Teacher: Karageorge, Smith, Thomsen, Jajich.
Grade (so far): Freshmen year, was a blast; I loved the seniors.
Web site: I've also been told I'm a myspace slut.
Thing to do: Dance. Workout. Be with my friends.
Day of the week: Thursday; Friday.
Season: After Halloween, because then Thanksgiving, Christmas then New Years!
Month: I like Septembre, and May.
Type of weather: Cold, windy and dark.

Do you...
Drink? When there is a hot dance party, and I'm with my girls.
Smoke?  When K and I are stressed or jamming to Eminem or 50.
Drive?  Yeah, I get my lisence in two months, exciting.
Kiss on the first date?  I have.
Have sex on the first date?  I don't date.
Do drugs?  It's funny you ask.
Live outside your means?  Yeah, a lot so.
Obssess over your looks?  Ew, no.
Abuse your family and friends? Err, no.
Get good grades in school? This year I am, biiitches.
Get sleepy during the day?  Yesss, I don't get enough sleep, and school is overrated, I learn nothing.
Own a car?  No.
Own more than 15 pairs of shoes?  Not that many, I am sure.
Own more than 5 pairs of jeans?  Yes; but I only wear like three.

Have you ever...
Smoked a joint?  Not a joint.
Stayed up all night?  Yes, Barnum's birthday party a long time ago.
Cussed in from of your parents? Yeah, I throw out a few f bombs.
Hurt the feelings of someone you loved?  We all have, hey.
Had your feelings hurt by someone you loved?  Yes, love murders us all.
Failed a class?  Yeeah, about that.
Been really really scared?  The dark and death really really scare me. So do the two events from the summer, tisk tisk.
Had to face a phobia?  Yes.
Cried in public?  Uhh, yeah. It is probably the worst thing ever, everyone gets in your business.
Thrown up at school?  Yeaaah; last week.
Dumped someone?  I have my times when I'm a heartbreaker....
Been dumped?  ... but usually I am the dumpee.
Had a one-night-stand?  One or two, or something.
Kissed and told?  Yes, I can't keep anything from Swan.
Broken a bone?  No, and I don't even drink milk.
Been willing to sell your soul to the devil for something? For my family to be happy I would, or to have my sister come home.
Lied to someone you loved?  Yessss, I am guilty.
Stolen from a friend?  No... okay maybe a pack of gum.
Eaten an entire gallon of ice cream in one day?  No.
Gotten an award?  Yes I got the two D.A.R.E. awards, anddd if you take dance awards as that, then I gots some of them too.
Told a joke no one thought was funny? Yeah, I always tell jokes, and Kylie never laughs.
Fallen asleep in class?  Hammerstrom english.
Been cheated on by your boyfriend/girlfriend? Errr, no. 
Cheated on your boyfriend/girlfriend?  Errr, yes.
Been in love?  Yes.
Gone out with someone a lot older than you?  Yes.
Been stood up on a date?  No, just when Thai told me he was gonna meet me at the mall and never did.
Looked horrible in a yearbook picture?  I guess, when I was little.
Done something life-threatening?  Yeah, who hasn't?
Cut school?  No.

If given the opportunity, would you...
Kill someone you hate? No.
Have sex with someone really really really hot?  Uh, yeah.
Star in a movie?  Yes.
Be on the cheerleading squad/football team? Never again.
Become the king/queen of a coutry?  No.
Steal something you wanted?  No.
Cheat on a lover?  Err, no.
Let someone cheat on their lover with you?  Gahhh, stop.
Experiment with someone the same sex as you?  I've kissed girls, thats enough.
Live the life of someone else?  Yes.
Sell your soul to the devil in exchange for something you really want? No.
Go back in time and change something from happening?  YES.
Go to the moon?  No.
Run for president?  No.

Pick one
Coke or Pepsi?  Diet pepsi.
Cats or dogs?  Dogs.
Really smart or really hot? Really hot. 
Really successful or really popular?  Successful.
Really rich or really famous?  Rich.
Smart and depressed or stupid and happy?  Stupid and happy!
Summer or winter?  Summer.
Spring or fall?  Fall.
Hot or cold?  Cold.
Love or lust?  LOVE.
Chocolate or vanilla? CHOCO.
Skateboarding or surfing?  Surfing.

Who/When/What's the last...
Person you talked to on the phone?  Bill.
Song you listened to?  Blue jeans-- Keith Urban.
CD you listened to?  The Spice Girls in scriptwritting.
Movie you watched? THE TWITCHES on disney. 
Book you read?  White Oleander.
Thing you ate?  RIBS.
Thing you bought?  Orbit gum, duh.
Time you cried?  Last night.
Time you laughed?  Listening to phil's voice messege.
Been scared?  Last night after dance.
Kissed someone? Mmm last time B was up.
Told someone you love them?  Today; I love my mom.
Prayed?  Last night.
Hugged someone?  I gave 'Topher a hug Tuesday night.
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