Kristy's Book part 3 (and I am sorry this part is kind of boring)

Apr 02, 2017 20:22

Hi, guys I have been insanely stressed studying for midterms but I am here now with another part. It wasn't that snark-worthy so sorry if this is a little boring :/

On our own
Chapter 6
This part is a little sad because Kristy tells us that her dad left the family. Right after David Michael is born, too.
Kristy had asked Liz to tell her the story of her father's departure and essentially they had been fighting lately and Patrick said he was fed up with his life and one day never returned home from work. Liz called his office and they said he quit his job and went out west.
I can't snark any of this. That's got to feel really shitty. One day you have a dad and the next he's just gone. I actually feel bad for Kristy.
Liz keeps things discreet and finally tells them their dad has to decided to live somewhere else, and he will call them, which of course he doesn't. This is very hard to snark. This is actually the kind of thing that should be published in a book, maybe even to help kids who are going through the same thing. Kristy wonders what she did wrong that her dad would leave her. Guys, this is SAD.
I feel bad for Kristy.
Kristy mentions that David Michael started to bond with Louie and that he's their new puppy. But that would make Louie 7 when he died in the series (since David Michael is 7), and they had said that at that time Louie was really old. Seven isn't that old for a dog.
Liz gets a full-time job which means that Sam, Charlie, and Kristy are on their own after school. And Kristy tells us her mother is in for a surprise. Dun, dun, dun.

Chapter 7
Liz starts her job and they start to eat a lot of takeout and run out of groceries. They literally have nothing for breakfast. This reminds me of the Pikes and how they had literally no food right before a snowstorm. I want to fault Liz but I guess when you're not used to working this stuff happens. They mention they only have enough milk for one bowl of cereal and for David Michael's bottle but doesn't he drink breast milk, and if not, formula? Do babies that young drink regular milk? Also Liz doesn't seem to notice or care that her kids are eating cold Chinese food for breakfast. At least ask them to help out by walking to the supermarket and getting a carton of milk or something.
The kids start rebelling by having friends over after school and eating lots of candy (provided by Claudia.)
All Hell breaks loose one day when Louie gets sprayed by a skunk. They make a huge mess in the house and prepare to give Louie a bath with tomato juice. I have actually heard that works on skunk
Kristy, Sam, Charlie, Mary Anne, and Claudia go into the bathroom with the door closed and the window open and I so know where this is going.
They make a huge mess and when Kristy goes to get cleaning supplies and then realizes the door is stuck. They somehow all got locked in. There's also somehow a photo of it captured that Kristy puts in her book but how can they have a picture taken of this considering they are locked in the bathroom and don't have a camera.
Sam tells Kristy not to yell for help out the window because Liz might get mad that they are irresponsible, but if they don't ask for help, Liz is going to come home eventually and find them in there so it makes no sense. Plus I don't really see how this is irresponsible. They didn't mean to get locked in there and even though they made a huge mess they had good intentions by trying to wash louie with tomato juice. Also they're a bunch of kids. The only thing Liz may be mad at is Kristy having friends over.
They start worrying they'll be stuck in there forever, and no, guys, eventually Liz is going to come home and let you out or call the fire department or something. She's not going to leave you stuck in there.
Anyway they try to clean up with little success then they see Janine out the window and call for her to help but then Liz comes home...

Chapter 8
Liz manages to open the door from the outside (I am still curious how they managed to get locked in there) and is freaked out because the tomato juice looks like blood.
Liz is mad, yo. I don't think the bath part was that horrible but it turns out Louie wasn't supposed to be let out alone, and she's mad at the mess and at them having friends over.
Later as the family discusses what happened, Liz says she takes some credit because she never specified what the rules were and was just like "okay you're on your own." That's a good point. Everyone was scatterbrained and traumatized from Patrick leaving. I was more annoyed with Liz for the whole lack of food thing.
They all get a list of chores to do and one of Charlie's is to give David Michael his bath every night, and I am sorry but why does he have to do that? That's not something that's done while Liz is at work because David Michael goes to day care and comes home when she does. Why can't she give her own baby a bath At that point?
anyway everything works out and everyone does their jobs and is happy. I am so sorry that this was boring and more of a summary than a snark. There just wasn't much to snark.

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