OMG, I love this episode so much. I might end up doing a 200+ picture picspam or whatever, we'll see. It'll probably be in my blog again in a few days. LiveJournal will not let me copy/paste or post photos still. Well, I don't need you, LJ! I've got Blogspot! (Actually it might not be smart to say that in public.)
There's a whole subplot with
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Comments 6
Actually, I wasn't even sure to be honest. I had my theories about what head!Six could be at the time that I really wasn't sure about these virtual representations being Cylons or connected to Cylon technology. It was a thought, but then we got head!Gaius and it was very confusing, fascinating but confusing.
What do you think are the basic similarities and differences between HeadSix and HeadBaltar? Which one do you, as a viewer, enjoy more?They both had similar tasks of guiding both Caprica Six and Gaius towards the right path towards their destinies, by means of either manipulation or getting them to acknowledge situations around them that others might not see (or what them to see). It seemed that head!Six was more actively involved with Gaius than head!Gaius was with Caprica Six, although we hardly saw much with head!Gaius as opposed to head!Six. Which leads to the question if they were to have ( ... )
Definitely, which I find rather interesting because although they are manifestations of those they loved they are quite different than the people in real life. I guess in a sense that head!Six is channeling the Cylon nature of Caprica Six and head!Gaius is channeling the narcissism and arrogant side of Gaius Baltar, for whatever reason I am not sure. But it does seem like both Gaius and Caprica Six have some relationship with their head!people.
Did Caprica and Sharon's cooperation really lead to anything?
I think they tried to accomplish in making amends, and in some cases it did make some of the Cylons in wanting to make those amends as well, but in the end it wasn't exactly executed the way they had originally hoped. So, yeah.
Do you think that, if Hera hadn't been kidnapped by Roslin, Gaius and the cylons would have succeeded in smuggling her out of the ship? If so, would it have changed the outcome of the series?I ( ... )
Oh my god, I WISH I could've written a uni essay on Baltar and Six. XD I totally would have.
I would've liked to see more of HeadBaltar. His similarity to HeadSix is being all cool, manipulative, suave -- I always thought it was neat that both of them captured a side of the other's persona that was now *absent*, if that makes sense. Because the real Gaius is now a nervous wreck, and Caprica-Six kinda is too, in a more reserved way (she doesn't have the certainty of her convictions anymore). I think HeadBaltar comes off as a little more cruel than Six? He seems to hit her with the guilt and reverse-psychology a lot.
What, if anything, is this supposed to mean?Oh my god, I *hate* the poetry. James Callis sells it ( ... )
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