omg wow. i have to update and say that i just got home from hewlett model congress 16 a little while ago and i can't believe its over. i'll insert a cut because i dont want to take up your entire friends page talking about my weekend. ps this might be a minute-by-minute recollection of the weekend
friday: well to start off i cut 8th and 9th period on friday and jacquie took me home so i could shower and do my hair before congress. i did all that, packed, did my makeup and was off to hewlett with amanda around 3:30 (which was an accomplishment cuz im usually super super slow). we got to congress and opening ceremonies was super delayed. whatever, it started an hour later than usual, but it was worth it cuz lord of the gavels was pretty fucking weird. it was funny though. committee was fkdkdfkljdf (code for ewwww), my chair was the girl nicole who sang the national anthem as if she had talent. amanda and me didn't go back there after 1st committee session. walked to quiznos for dinner. it was my first time, i lost my v-card at quiznos with a veggie one. went back to school, went to domestic affairs with jacquie and that was chill. idk waht happened between the time we spent in committee and 11 o'clock but around 11 we went to the sherwood diner. it wasnt even that crowded but we were there for FOREVER!!!!!! it was me, nora, jacquie, ariella, chelsea, lee, nir, sean, gurman, nate and all the new ro sophs. i guess we got back to nirs around 1:30. we didnt go to sleep til after 5. nirs house was fun :-) and i wont disclose any information.
saturday: well saturday was probably more fun than friday. i guess it started with some committee and i went to ariella's with her. then me and el chilled for the rest of the afternoon. in plenary i got to chill w/ ariella and paul and laura. after plenary was color war, which was entertaining. OCEANSIDE WON COLOR WAR! idk if color war was entertaining or the fun part was taking pictures of weirdos. most of these were taken by paul karp, but they are hysterical so here are a couple.
all my seniors, even though they arent mine and half of them dont love me as much as i love them im going to pretend they are mine and that they love me too
picture of assif
yeah yellow headband girl!
amanda and me
lesbians like whoa
paul and me, quite possibly the two meanest people in all of congress
this is not a picture of amanda and me, it is a picture of josh's cousin. holy fucking shit, look at josh's cousin!!!!!
they call me mellow yellow
maybe there's more to life than being really really ridiculously good looking...
these are from plenary
mean people make scarry faces
melissa is a cute sleeper
did you know that i was arabian?
a little less cute than melissa sleeping, jusssst kidding, its adorable
okay saturday after plenary and color war and plenary again we went out for dinner. after dinner was the crazy talentLESS show. what i said about steph was quite funny, what i said about paul got me boo'd off stage hahaha. the dance was super amazing. i cant believe i'll never get to dance w/ all you seniors again :-( ... whatever i guess i'll have LEEEEEEEE next year. ahhahahaha <3. then we went to chelsea lew's party, it wasn't as fun as last year but it was cool. me and lee left and went to nirs and then drove to the diner so he could win a stuffed animal (that he failed to win anyway). whatever. i went to sleep much earlier saturday night then friday night, probably around 2:30 (right before boy meets world)
sunday: went to school, went to plenary and sat w/ postman and axen and all those other sophs. after that we went to quizno's again for lunch, came back for senior speeches. they were sad, but actually quite happy. sad because i will miss them all, especially since i already claimed them as MY seniors. it was happy though because they made congress so amazing, all of them, this was by far the best year of congress ever. things will never be the same. here are some pics from Sunday.
el and me
postman, el and me
so sexy
me, lee, nora
lee, nora, chelsea
no, no, no its not what you're thinking
aw some of my favs
all the seniors
MY seniors
the legendary schneidburns, who will be missed
you guys will be missed so much more than danielle :-( :-( :-( by me atleast
thank god i'll still have josh's cousin/sister next year
well i guess thats about it. lawrence won best D and congress is officially over for 2003-2004. it was the best year of congress ever, we obviously owe that to all the exec boards and all the seniors. im exhausted and need to do some work so i guess this is the end. i cant imagine next year in congress at all. everyone always says senior year is the best but i cant imagine anything better than this year. i've loved almost every moment of it, even if i didnt love it at the time looking back on it, i wouldnt change a thing. congress is the best club in the world and thank you so much to everyone who's made it amazing for me. i only hope that i've made the difference to make the club better for someone else too. in closing,
who's tongue do you think that is?!?!?1/
the answer, is paul karp.
now comment this shizzz!!!!