Diary of a New Mac Owner: Part 2

Apr 23, 2009 14:25

Turns out that nearly every keyboard in the house has a PS/2 connection. I find another "extra" one in the Storage Room. And the keyboard for my desktop does, too. (Odd that I forgot, given that I bought it specifically for that reason since I kept having trouble with USB keyboards...wireless in particular. Bastards. Hate wireless keyboards.)

Hm. Okay, well, I may not feel like going clear across town to buy a Mac keyboard right now, but there's the little computer store just a mile and a half away. They won't have Mac hardware, I'm sure, but they've got all kinds of adapters. I drive over there, taking a side street instead of the main road 'cause it's closer and has less traffic. Only, I realize I have no clue what cross street the store's at. I drive for what feels about right, turn and realize I'm only one street off. Backtrack a block, enter the parking lot through the exit, and pop inside. Every time I come in here (this makes the second), I get the impression they're surprised to see anyone come in.

"I need a PS/2 to USB adapter," I announce, already scanning the place and finding the adapters before the guy has a chance to say anything. But he approaches the correct one, asking me if the device I'm using is USB compatible. I have no idea and tell him so, adding, "I guess I'll find out." I mention that I'm connecting it to a Mac Mini and confirm that they do, indeed, not have any Mac keyboards. Price sticker says $9.95 which, after tax, will take care of the full $11 in my wallet. I return home, plug the adapter into the keyboard and everything into the Mini and prepare for my first Mac boot screen.

The screen flickers, an Apple logo appears, things fly at me on the screen. And the Mac tells me, "Hey, Dummy, there's no keyboard connected. How do you expect to do anything without a keyboard?" I'm paraphrasing, but you get the point. Dammit. Keyboard not USB compatible, apparently. Or not Mac compatible. No idea, but the end result is the same.

Okay, well, I've got one more shot. Elle's desktop machine has a USB (and wireless -- Frick!) keyboard. I'll just borrow it for a little while. Just so I can try this thing out. Downstairs, disconnect the half dozen (okay, two) cords between the wireless transmitter thing and the machine, take it upstairs, plug it in. The Mini recognizes it immediately. By recognize, I mean it notices that it's there. It's a PC keyboard, so I have to first have to teach it the keyboard's layout. Just a matter of pressing the key to the right of one Shift and to the left of the other Shift. Whew. That wasn't so bad.

Y'know, while all those things were flying at me on the screen, I couldn't help but feel like there should be whooshing sounds. Or sound of some kind. Hmm... I try out a couple programs I think should be making sounds (not that I know for sure...remember, I haven't used a Mac in at least 15 years).

The sure test: Grab a CD and slide it into the Mini. Just how far...do I have to...push this before...it pulls the disc....ah, there we go. Boy, I hope that comes back out. I get the iTunes legal agreement dialog -- fine, whatever. Play my CD. iTunes asks me if I want to launch the iTunes Store or go to my Library. Library. Play my CD. Do I want to import songs from the disc? No. Play my CD. The CD starts playing. Or, rather, iTunes indicates that the CD is playing, but I don't hear anything. Pretty sure this thing has internal speakers, so I unplug the external ones. Nothing. Plug in iPhone Approved White Headphones. Nothing. Grr.

To Google for some answers! This website says to "reset the PRAM." Pram? I don't even have a baby. Luckily, the site gives instructions... boot the Mini while holding Option-Command-P-R. Hm. Now I wish I'd paid more attention during those Photohop tutorials that give Mac / PC equivalents for keyboard shortcuts. Or, y'know, that I had a Mac keyboard with Option and Command keys. Another Google search tells me to use Alt for Option and the Windows key for Command. (What did people do before the Windows key was invented?) Alright, File, Shutdown, hold down Alt-Windows-P-R, hold it, hold it, let go, boot. Nope. Still no sound.

Another suggestion: Take it in for service. We'll save that for a last resort.

Another suggestion: There is a brown cable inside the Mini that may be loose. Inside. Huh. Okay, I've had this for four hours. Am I ready to start mucking around with the insides already? You bet! Heck, I'm two hours past due. How do I open this thing? Like any Mac device I've seen, it's got no visible screws, tabs, or latches. In fact, all it's really got are seams and not even many of those.

Hello, again, Mr. Google. Please tell me "how open mac mini." (Oh, I'm doing this search on the Mini by the way 'cause connecting it to my wireless network was a breeze. Something went right the first time -- Yay!) Top of case is held on with internal tabs, huh? Open with two putty knives, hey? Down to the entry way closet for putty knives. Nope. Not here. Can't find any. I know I have at least one, but it's decided to piss off just to spite me. Alright. Maybe try a regular knife?

To the kitchen I go and find a paring knife. Instead of slipping it straight down as the tutorial shows with a putty knife, I slide this along the seam to get more surface coverage. I manage to pry up one side a little bit and go to the other side. While I'm doing that, the first side slips back on a bit. Rinse, lather, repeat. Eventually, both sides are up enough for me to start easing the top of the case off. I find what appears to be the cable mentioned by the stranger on a Mac message board. It's not off completely, but I am able to push the connection tighter than it was at first. I leave the top off for now and reboot the Mini.

I get the famous Mac boot bong. Cool. My first Mac repair.
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