Fall Semester, Day One.

Aug 25, 2005 09:19

So yesterday was the first day back to school. My first class was my TA course, "Sex & Society." Someone in the class called me "Sir," and I'm wondering if he did it cause I'm a graduate student and he knows I'll be grading his papers, or because I'm starting to show more grey hair. I haven't ever been in a lower divisiion undergraduate course at SFSU (I went to junior college), so it was a new experience for me. The lecture hall seats about 150, its huge, ugly and challenging. The course is going to utilize RF Response pads which is new to me, but I'm optimistic that they'll improve class participation. Niels is funny. People were laughing at him in the back row, probably because he's from Holland and he's Gay. I personally enjoy his Dutch Queerness, but I guess it's different for kids these days. He's about as hip of a Professor as they'll get on the subject... well as hip of a White Gay Male Professor anyway.

Then I tried to add Abnormal Psychology, which just didn't happen. Not only did the Professor show up 15 minutes late, but she was completely un-charismatic, and she said that if you hadn't taken Theories of Personality she wouldn't let you stay in the class. Well, I don't have a Psyc B.A. so I was out, but even if I did I would have left cause she just didn't do it for me. I tend not to stick around when I don't like the Prof.

That leaves me with the choice of adding a Research Methodology Course with Dr. Fields, which meets Tuesday/Thursday or adding "Sexuality & The Internet," with Prof. Levine, whom I've heard is awesome... but I think the methods might do more for my thesis at this point. I kinda don't want to be stuck with my pants down, so I'm thinking yeah, I should add the Methods course. Its geared towards Qualitative Research, which would be good because the year of Methods I took last year was mixed and I learned all about Quantitative Methodology even though I'm not going to be using it in my thesis. I'm just reluctant to be in school four days a week because of my Mother, but since I didn't register in time I have little choice. Besides, Deb Tolman advised me to take this course so maybe it won't be such a bad decision.

Blah blah blah. I was pretty wound up yesterday, but Jonathan came over and we made out like mad men. I love kissing him. Its so refreshing. Its so relaxing. I totally did one of those neck/ear attacks, it was rad. I was giving myself the goosebumps, lol. I suppose the fucking helped too. We did it every way possible, and boy was it a treat. Tension relief never felt so good! That man can screw.

Had dinner. We snuggled (yay!), then watched the rest of Constantine (yawn), messed around on the internet trying to decide that last course, then fucked some more and went to bed. A good ending to a mostly frustrating day (I didn't talk about my Mom and all the drama from the A.M. cause I'm sorta broken record about her situation - Suffice to say, she is doing better but my brother is being a chode).


The End.
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