Cause (
chrisomatic) needs answers!
Here are the rules:
1 -- Leave a comment, saying you want to be interviewed.
2 -- I will respond; I'll ask you five questions.
3 -- You'll update your journal with my five questions, and your five answers.
4 -- You'll include this explanation.
5 -- You'll ask other people five questions when they want to be interviewed.
1) DW Drums says they will give you the drum kit of your dreams for free: any color/finish, number of pieces, hardware, cymbals, the works. The only catch is you have to play all shows for the next 365 days in the same outfit Tommy Lee made famous (jockstrap and sweat bands). Will you do it?
I've always be a fan of sweat bands, jockstraps and studded leather suspenders with a rockin headset a'la Madonna. Chances are if I got the kit up front, I'd do it. I'd probably let all my bear/leather friends know, that way my band can at least get some more door money out of the deal. A year's a long time, though. I'd probably have to adopt a "no shame" policy...
2) Name 5 musicians you wanna do the horizontal mambo with (assuming my boyfriend gave me the go ahead). Provide pictures if possible.
I would hump Blake from Jawbreaker/Jets to Brazil in a heartbeat. He's soooo the high school trophy fuck.
It was hard trying to find a photo of Juanes that wasn't too pouty, and too reminiscent of Antonio Banderes. I did my best. He's an adorably good looking Columbian singer, and I want to sit on his face.
I'd fuck Chris Cagle, not only because he's fine as hell, but because he's also a bible touting Christian and those are always fun, and all the bears would be jealous that I bagged him, tee hee :P
PJ Harvey is a space alien, and I love her. I think I'd make with the hump, then spend all night talking about X-Files and drinking Corona.
If you don't know who David Banner is, you better find out cause he's hawt and I wanna lick him!
3) What was the scariest nightmare that you can remember?
I had a dream that everyone in my neighborhood had been murdered by undead native american horseman who were guardians of their sacred land. They scalped my family in front of me, about a block from my parents house, then chased me on horseback as I ran across peoples front yards, trying to get back home. As I ran through the front door to my parents house, I woke up and immediately started crying unconsolably.
4) Who are three women who could tempt me away from Gayness for one night?
Well, it probably wouldn't be that hard to tempt me. I'm pretty Gay, but my penis knows an opportunity when it see's one.
I think Angie Stone is gorgeous, and I'd totally let her tempt me to play for they Olympic Muff Diving team for one night.
I have a huge gay boy crush on Jillian Iva and Elizabeth Davis, so I think they'd have to double team me in the penultimate straight male lesbian fantasy extravaganza! This one counts for two!
5) What would you do for a Klondike Bar?
Just about anything... or anyone..