Title: "A Letter to George Weasley"
Game date: 08/29/1998
Time of day: 2pm
Characters featured: Narcissa Malfoy, George Weasley, Verity Thruston (mentioned)
Location: Malfoy Manor
Status: Personal/Reflective
Brief summary: Narcissa writes to George about the service in his shop.
Completion: Completed.
Dear Mr. Weasley,
I would like to express my appreciation for your excellent shop staff at the Wizarding Wheezes. Your assistant, Miss Verity Thruston, was most gracious and helpful to me during my recent visit there. She showed me around the shop, helped me find what I needed, advised me on what I would probably not want, and was a pleasure to shop with. Please pass on to her my warmest gratitude.
I doubt that I will have frequent reason to visit your shop, but I was very glad of Miss Thruston's help while I was there.
Narcissa Malfoy