And here is my Admiral Helena Cain picspam, and believe me, I showed restraint here.
All of these caps are from
Crystal Fires Cap Archives, because her caps are far more beautiful and clear than anything I ever manage. All I did was downsize them so this wouldn't be too overwhelming.
Really, folks, you're amazingly lucky I stopped myself at two treadmill!Cain pictures. The combination of workout-clothes!Cain, ponytail!Cain and sweaty!Cain? MmmMMMmmMMmmm.
I have so much love for the post-Kendra-belittling shark smile.
I also love how amazon-like she is when she comes down the corridor as the attacks start.
And I love that we get to see her mourning the loss of fallen crew members. SHE JUST NEEDS A HUG!
And yes, you're also lucky that I stopped myself with just a handful of caps from this scene, because relaxed!Cain and googly-eyes-at-her-lover!Cain? Yeah, another irresistible combination.
A look I'd love to be on the receiving end of ...
... and one I most certainly wouldn't.
And this look? Kills me. Really. Kills me. I just think she conveys so much with her expression here, and it all happens so fast, it's before she's had time for rage to set in; she's vulnerable, frightened and betrayed, and it gets me every. single. time.
Her entire demeanour during and after her order of Gina's torture - and when she goes to look at Gina after what I guess was the first session - is so interesting, because she doesn't take any joy from it, but she does seem to take a highly grim satisfaction.
And then she meets up with Our Heroes, and everyone is happy for about five minutes.
I hate the lack of cappable moments with both of these women onscreen at the same time.
I love some of the looks Fisk gives Gaius in this scene.
"Well that is certainly your right." I love this look. Gods can this woman pull off superior.
Yes, it's entirely possible I might have a thing for profiles. Why do you ask?
Bursting with pride and lust!
CAIN IN TANKS. Why do we not get more of this? Why can I only look forward to seeing this when I am also dreading seeing her be killed?
Gets me. Every. Single. Time.