(no subject)

May 23, 2010 03:42

I used to play a lot of tabletop roleplaying games back in the day, but anymore it's just not part of my life anymore. So I'm selling all my old books.

Mostly the hardbacks are $10 and the paperbacks are $5, though a few books which are newer or very rare are more. If you're interested, send me an email at popeguilty@gmail.com or on Livejournal.


Shadowrun Second Edition $10
Shadowrun Third Edition $10
Cannon Companion $5
Matrix $5
Virtual Realities 2.0 $5
Year of the Comet $5
Shadowrun Companion third edition $5
Man and Machine: Cyberware $5
Corporate Shadowfiles $5
Paranormal Animals of Europe $5
Paranormal Animals of North America $5
Corporate Security Handbook $5
Cybertechnology $5
First Run $5
Threats $10
Threats 2 $5
Magic in the Shadows $5
Underworld Sourcebook $5
The Grimore $5
The Grimore (Second Edition) $5
Brainscan $5
Celtic Double-Cross $2
Double Exposure $2
Ivy and Chrome $2
One Stage Before $2
Shadows of the Underworld $5
Super Tuesday! $5
Target: Smuggler Havens $5
Target: UCAS $5
Tir Na Nog $5
Total Eclipse $2
Blood in the Boardroom $5
Renraku Arcology: Shutdown $5
Shadowtech $5
Street Samurai Catalog $5
Corporate Download $5
Cyberpirates! $5
Native American Nations: Volume 1 $5
Native American Nations: Volume 2 $5
The Neo-Anarchist's Guide to North America $5
The Neo-Anarchist's Guide to Real Life $10
Seattle Sourcebook (Second Edition) $5
Sprawl Sites $10
Target: Matrix $5
Awakenings $5
Rigger 2 $5
Prime Runners $5
German Sourcebook $5
Shadowbeat $10
London Sourcebook $5
Fields of Fire $5
The Universal Brotherhood $15
Virtual Reality $5
Portfolio of a Dragon: Dunkelzahn's Secrets $5
Aztlan $5
Bug City $5
New Seattle $5
California Free State $5

Vampire: the Masquerade

Vampire: the Masquerade first edition $10
The Masquerade - Second Edition $10
Storyteller's Screen (third edition) $2
Vampire: the Masquerade Revised $10
Guide to the Camarilla $10
Guide to the Sabbat $10
Guide to the Anarchs $10
Vampire Storyteller's Guide $10
Gehenna (autographed by Ari Marmell) $15
Clanbook: Brujah (original) $5
Clanbook: Malkavian (original) $5
Clanbook: Tremere (original) $5
Clanbook: Followers of Set (revised) $5
Clanbook: Gangrel (revised) $5
Clanbook: Giovanni (revised) $5
Clanbook: Malkavian (revised) $5
Clanbook: Ravnos (revised) $5
Clanbook: Tremere (revised) $5
Clanbook: Ventrue (revised) $5
Player's Guide (first edition) $5
The Player's Guide to the Sabbat (first edition) $5
A World of Darkness (first edition) $5
Dirty Secrets of the Black Hand $5
Ghouls: Fatal Addiction $5
Montreal by Night $5
Giovannia Saga (collects Giovanni Chronicles 1 and 2) $10
Giovanni Chronicles 3 $5
Giovanni Chronicles 4 $5
Archons & Templars $5
Blood Magic: Secrest of Thaumaturgy $5
Blood Sacrifice: The Thaumaturgy Companion $5
The Gilded Cage $5
Havens of the Damned $5
Midnight Siege $5
Nights of Prophecy $5
Sins of the Blood $5
Time of Thin Blood $5
New York by Night $5

Vampire: Dark Ages

Vampire: the Dark Ages (second edition) $10
Dark Ages: Vampire $10
Clanbook: Baali $5
Clanbook: Salubri $5
Cainite Heresy $5

Werewolf: the Apocalypse

Werewolf: the Apocalypse (revised) $10
Tribebook: Black Furies (revised) $5
Tribebook: Children of Gaia (revised) $5
Tribebook: Get of Fenris (revised) $5
Possessed: A Player's Guide $5
Project Twilight $5

Mage: the Ascension

Mage: the Ascension (first edition) $10
Mage: the Ascension (revised) $10
Convention Book: Iteration X (revised) $5
Destiny's Price $5

Generic World of Darkness

World of Darkness: Outcasts $5
World of Darkness: Blood-Dimmed Tides $5
World of Darkness: Time of Judgment $10
Changeling: the Dreaming $10

Wraith: the Oblivion

Wraith: the Oblivion (first edition) $10
Wraith: the Oblivion (second edition) $10
Wraith: the Great War $10
Hierarchy $5
Guildbook: Haunters $5
Charnel Houses of Europe $5
Doomslayers: Into the Labyrinth $5
Shadow Player's Guide $10
Mediums: Speakers With the Dead $5
Wraith Player's Guide $5
End of Empire $5

Hunter: the Reckoning

Hunter: the Reckoning $10
Hunter Storyteller Handbook $10
Hunterbook: Defender $5
Hunterbook: Wayward $5
Hunterbook: Martyr $5
Hunterbook: Innocent $5
Huntebrook: Hermit $5
Hunter: Fall From Grace $5
Hunter: First Contact $5
Hunter: the Moonstruck $5
Hunter: the Nocturnal $5
Hunter Survival Guide $5
Hunter: Utopia $5
Hunter: the Walking Dead $5

New World of Darkness

Carthians $15
Circle of the Crone $15
Ventrue: Lords Over the Damned $10
Mind's Eye Theatre $10
MET: Vampire: the Requiem $10
Mage: the Ascension $10

Dungeons and Dragons 3rd Edition

Player's Handbook $10
Dungeon Master's Guide $10
Monster Manual $10
Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting $10
Deities and Demigods $10
Manual of the Planes $10
Traps and Treachery $10
Tome and Blood $5
Hero Builder's Guidebook $5
3rd Edition Ravenloft: Secrets of the Dread Realm/ DM Screen $5

Dungeons and Dragons 4th Edition

Player's Handbook $20
Wizards Presents: Worlds and Monsters $5
Wizards Presents: Races and Classes $5

Random and Uncategorized Books

Sorceror $5
Unknown Armies $15
Dungeons and Dragons Player Manual (red cover) $5
AD&D: Reverse Dungeon $5
AD&D: Ravenloft Monstrous Compendium $5
AD&D: Country Sites $5
Citybook IV: On the Road (book of encounters for AD&D) $5
Hackmaster: Hacklopedia of Beasts Volume 1 $2
Conspiracy X $10
GURPS Conspiracy X $10
Conspiracy X: Nemesis (Greys sourcebook) $5
Earthdawn (fantasy roleplaying by FASA) $5
Waste World (http://www.waynesbooks.com/WasteWorld.html) $5
Underworld (Neverwhere-style roleplaying) $5
Pandemonium! (Tabloid World RPG) $5
Killer: the Game of Assassination $5
All Flesh Must Be Eaten $5
Fairy Meat: Clockwork Stomp $2
GURPS: Third Edition $5
The Munchkin's Guide to Power Gaming $10
GURPS Horror (first edition) $2
The Star Wars Roleplaying Game (D6 version) (Second Edition) $10
Star Wars Roleplaying Game (D20) $10
7th Sea Player's Guide $10
Alternity: Dark Matter Campaign Setting (X-Files inspired RPG) $5
Blood Dawn: the Prophecy (post-apocalyptic RPG) $5
Deadlands: The Weird West Player's Guide $5
Deadlands: The Weird West Marshal's Handbook $5
Deadlands: Smith & Robard's $5
Deadlands: City o' Gloom box set $15
The Magic of Palladium Books (collection of old Palladium newsletters) $5
Wizards (based on the Ralph Bakshi movie) $2
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