Apr 27, 2006 16:12
1. Reveal six weird facts/things/habits about yourself and then tag six people.
2. Leave a “You’re Tagged!” comment to let the people you have tagged know they have to reveal six things (or robo Jesus will eat all the McDonald's in the world and there will be no more fat children to make fun of).
3. Leave a comment that says, "Hey [person who tagged you] you can go to hell now for tagging me."
Six weird facts/things/habits:
1. Everything about peanutbutter disgusts me. The smell, the color, the texture, the taste, and I probably hate the sound it makes too, to round out the five senses. I don't know why I dislike it so; I just do. And on a related note: I hate when people think I'm weird for not liking peanutbutter. Everyone has weird likes and dislikes - deal with it.
2. I've only been to Cedar Point once in my entire life. This is despite the fact that I have lived within like an hour and a half of the park for my whole life (with the exception of college and last year in Cinci). Although I think a group of us might be going out after exams. So that will be visit number two.
3. When I'm bored or zoning out, I play with my earrings or my nose ring. When I had a hoop in my cartilege, I always played with that, but I lost that earring and haven't put anything else in that hole, so it's weird now. And when I play with my nose ring, I'm sure it looks pretty gross. But I do it nonetheless.
4. I love words that are multiple words mashed together. Nonetheless. Heretofore. Aforementioned. Notwithstanding.
5. I cannot stand almost every AutoFormat thing on Microsoft Office. The weird part is that I know you can change the settings and I know how to do it, but I never do. I just leave everything alone and get annoyed when Office puts indents and numbers and bullet points when I don't want them. On a related note: I hate that the dictionary on Office doesn't recognize legal words that I have to put in my notes (and I'm not even talking about the Latin words like quantum meruit and res ipsa loquitor) - like unconscionability, assignability, unmerchantable, ultrahazardous, and privity (can you tell I've been working on Contracts? Although ultrahazardous is Torts.).
6. I have a million pairs of shoes, right? But I wear flip flops all the time. And when it was too cold for flip flops? I wore my sequin flats or my Birkenstock clogs every day. You wouldn't know this by looking in my room where I have shoes strewn all over the floor. This is because when I get dressed every day, I try on a bunch of different shoes to wear, thinking that maybe I'll wear one of those other pairs. I inevitably end up with the shoes I always wear except on a very rare occasion.