Title: Andrew, macho?
hazeldeanChallenge #2 - Pinecones
Rating: Some mild swearing
Characters/Parings: Spike and Andrew
Word Count: 98
Author's Notes: During the season 7 motorcycle trip to the monastery
"Don't worry, I'll never tell anyone that you have an onion blossom fetish", said Andrew. He tried not to hold onto Spike's waist too tightly. He wanted to show Spike that he was a macho, motorbike dude, despite the stupid helmet. "As long as you don't tell anyone about my pinecone fetish", Andrew added with a note of hesitation in his voice. All pretense at being macho, ruined in one sentence. "Oh bugger me!!", yelled Spike over the thrumming of the motorcycle engine. "Talk about too much bloody information, mate", he shouted. "I thought it was sharing time", said Andrew.