Title: Pennance
hazeldeanChallenge: #3 - Absolution
Rating: PG
Characters: Spike
Word Count: 100
Author's Notes: After his encounter with the Soul Demon, Spike is making his way back to Sunnydale. Usual disclaimers - character not mine etc, etc.
Spike thought that going to a priest would work. He could take away the pain and grant absolution. He remembered that priests did that sort of thing. He couldn't bear the pain, the torment, the voices in his head all day and all night. He'd go to a church. Avoid the crosses or maybe embrace them. One pain replacing another. He had done it for her but it was too much. He went to a church, but the priest refused. Told him that God would not take away his suffering. He would have to learn to live with it. That was his pennance.