1.) Name: Susanna, F around the net
2.) Age: 19
3.) Location: Finland
4.) Describe your good traits in 5 words: descisive, imaginative, passionate, loyal & curious
5.) Describe your bad traits in 5 words: self-absorbed, indifferent, obsessed, loner & cold
6.) If you could live in any time in history, what time period would it be and why: I'd probably choose Victorian England (damn that steampunk), or maybe see what it was like in Europe between the WWs. Generally I don't think I'd adjust anywhere really seeing what position women were in any time period excluding the near past.
7.) Tell us a little about your heritage: My, er, what? I'm pretty much 100% homemade, aka Finnish. I have no clue about my ancestors. Just a typical patriotic girl from a country no one's ever heard of ;)
8.) Favorite book(s)? Other than sci-fi and fantasy, really anything by Chuck Palahniuk, namely Fight Club, Lullaby, Diary...
9.) Favorite movie? Long list, so I'll just list the directors. David Fincher, Terry Gilliam, Tim Burton and so on. I'm an avid movie watcher and collector so it's very hard to pinpoint.
10.) Favorite quote? "We have no scar to show for happiness. We learn so little from peace." - Diary
11.) How do you want to die?: It'd have to be a spectacle. Something bloody and splendid. You know that scene at the end of any movie where the good guy finally defeats the bad guy and we get a glorious score and a delayed death (in whedonverse the guy gets resurrected through dark rites and innocent blood after a season)? When I die I want to know I'm dying, I want to have a moment there before I go. I want to feel I've fought it till the end. I have high suspicions this neat scenario will never happen though and that I'll just end up as a wrinkly whining old person (that looks like future Xander) dying on a bed.
12.) Do you have any special talents? I'm a graphics maker. Nothing else comes to mind really.
13.) In your group of friends, where do you stand (leader... follower... comic relief... etc): I'm the person with shifty eyes, cynical views and drastic measures in a crisis.
14.) When you imagine yourself ten or fifteen years down the road, what do you see yourself doing: Not much anything right now. I'm kinda at the crossroads so everything's blurry.
15.) Which is more important to you? Love, or duty: Love. I haven't yet found a duty that I wouldn't have forgotten the same minute love was coughing blood.
16.) If you were a color, what would you be a why: Red, passionate color, neither dark or light and full of life.
17.) Is there anything else we should know about you? My name is F and I'm addicted to rating communities. Well not actually the getting stamped part but rating others really.
18.) Please post at least two clear pictures of yourself: They're a few years old but I pretty much still look the same as in the one above.
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v233/sharp_object/bredbyagoddes/Kuva0011.jpg http://www.geocities.com/shivassite/small03.jpg 19.) Promote and give us the link(s): Well I don't quite feel comfortable promoting you anywhere, seeing as I don't do much communities and even when I do I'm definitely not throwing in links to places that have nothing to do with the topic. I will however put you in the affiliates list at
50scenes. Hope that's enough.