Title: To Sum It Up
Rating: PG
Crossover: BTVS/T:SCC
Parring: N/A
Status: Drabble
Disclaimer: I don't own anything!
"So, that's pretty much it." John studied the blond woman for her reaction. He waited for the onslaught of 'you're crazy' remarks but none of them came. She just looked at him, and John found this...odd. Most people would freak out about the idea of the world run by machines, but she didn't seem phased by it.
"Ok," she responded.
"Ok? This doesn't seem strange to you?" He scratched the back of his head.
Buffy shrugged, "Mom dated an evil robot who kept his dead wives in his closet," she slung her bag over her shoulder as she stood up before him.
John was taken back, a clear confused expression plastered over his face. "What?"
She turned to leave and glanced back at him, smirking "I haven't even told you about the sex bot designed after me."
If this was a cartoon John Connor would have sworn that his jaw would have hit the floor.
"You coming?"
All he could do was stare at her, Buffy Summers was really something else.