ummm well mabee u shoudnt swear an shit at fuckin rehersel thats liek relly rude an shit an not amusin an like noon wansta read about that shit and stuff so whatev like u think ur live is so cool an shit but its not, not like mine wich is fuckin hot an u will never be cool like me so stop tryin bitch ps ur man says hi
Whatever Anna don't even listen to that stupid slut. It's probably not even a real person. Who makes a fake LJ? what the fuck.
Well I thought your story was amusing! haha way to disrupt encore and get a little speech! Was she eating a hamburger as she gave this one? At awards night your theme should be like "white trash" and you can all eat fast food and junky unhealthy stuff and swear a lot.
Comments 2
ps ur man says hi
Well I thought your story was amusing! haha way to disrupt encore and get a little speech! Was she eating a hamburger as she gave this one? At awards night your theme should be like "white trash" and you can all eat fast food and junky unhealthy stuff and swear a lot.
P.S. Your man says "Hi!"
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