Blog time, again?

Oct 27, 2010 00:29

Hello, old blog.

So I had this grand idea of actually writing a blog again, which det hela taget feels like a soap bubble already. It's not even that I am too used to remaining silent, like I was in Spain. I'm just too used to not having to structure my thoughts and express them in a semi-comprehensible fashion.Today our class wrote the first ( Read more... )

content: mic, viewable: public, content: school, content: job, entertainment: books, content: myself, style: thoughtful

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Comments 5

riccichan October 27 2010, 08:01:44 UTC
You are going back to school, did I understand that correctly? When I was in school I had the same rule about studying as you, but nowadays I think more along the lines of "is this worth pouring a lot of energy into".

I'm wishing you a smooth journey, wherever you're going at the moment. And I don't mind if your entries aren't perfectly structured / put together. I just like to hear what's going on with you. <3


bu_yao_ren October 27 2010, 10:23:41 UTC
Yup. The jobs I can actually imagine myself doing require abitur at the very least, so ... well. I had to do something about that: Abendgymnasium. And it's not like I enjoy not studying, it's just that I am so scared of failure that I'd rather fail because of not having tried than fail in spite of all of my efforts. >>; So stupid, especially considering that even without trying hard I still am very unlikely to 'fail'. (Either German schools are too lax, or I am too clever 8D;;)

Haha, this actually was a considerably well-structured entry for me! I honestly am not used to writing seriously any more. >_<;;


riccichan October 28 2010, 02:57:28 UTC
Oh wow, that sounds - exhausting. And the failure thought process sounds so very, very familiar. Makes you want to shake your head at how convoluted it all is, doesn't it?

I do believe you are very intelligent, in all kinds of ways! At the very least, you have the natural inquisitiveness to explore your academical interests, which is something a lot of people totally lack. And you're used to structuring (and maintaining!) your own approach to a subject, that is really something invaluable. The only downside is that the current educational institutions aren't quite flexible enough to allow that kind of genius to flourish on its own terms. But even so, I believe that you can do it!

Serious, not serious, organized or chaotic, it doesn't change the fact that I like to read about what's going on in your head. :)


da_ev0l_raine October 29 2010, 09:36:36 UTC
Ist es nicht oft so, dass man sich einfach zu viele Gedanken macht und dann klappt's doch irgendwie? Jedenfalls drück ich dir Daumen!


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bu_yao_ren November 4 2010, 15:42:18 UTC
Yah, endlich nicht wahr? :D

Ich hab übrigens tatsächlich irgendwie gelernt und dafür dass ich das Gefühl hab gar nix zu können, auch recht viel in der Arbeit geschrieben .... >>;
Mir fressen gerade die Interpretation das Hirn. Es ist schon arg angenagt ... Montag ist dann die erste Deutscharbeit. Ugh.


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