"A Handful of Real Security" by Ron Hutchcraft

Sep 17, 2003 09:30

"A Handful of Real Security"
By Ron Hutchcraft

1 Corinthians 5:18-20

I call her my "little darlin'" -- she's actually her Daddy's little girl. She's the newest member of our family, our six-month-old little granddaughter. Now, being a father, it's a special joy for me to watch my son being a father for the first time -- and to see the bonds that are already clearly developing between Daddy and daughter. She has one precious little habit that I noticed after being around them for a few days. At every opportunity, she loves to grab the leather necklace that my son has around his neck. It's the one with a little wooden cross on it. In fact, if that cross is at the side or back of our son's head, our little angel will grope until she's found it ... not just the necklace, but the cross. And she hangs onto it like she's never going to let go.

Our little granddaughter loves to hang on to the cross. I pray she always will. Ipray you will. There is no greater security in all the world than to put your total trust in what Jesus did on the cross for you.

If you're a parent, there is no greater gift you can give your children than an understanding of God's love for them, demonstrated by what happened on that old rugged cross. Don't be satisfied to give them just a religion, rituals or rules. The ultimate issue for every one of us is what we do with what Jesus did on the cross. If you're a parent, a teacher, a children's worker, a youth leader -- make much of the cross. Keep taking the people you're leading to that place the Bible calls Skull Hill. Keep telling the story of the God who hung on the cross. That's where we get a lifetime of sinful mistakes forgiven. That's where we begin to experience the most awesome love in the world. That's where we trade the hell we deserve for the heaven we could never deserve. Help those you love grow up loving that cross.

In 1 Corinthians 2:2, our wordfor today from the Word of God, the great Christian ambassador, Paul, makes clear what the message of his life was. Here was the greatest theologian of all time who could dazzle you with his grasp of the deep things of God. But he said, "I resolved to know nothing while I was with you except Jesus Christ and Him crucified." It's all about Jesus and His cross. And about an empty tomb where Jesus blew away death and proved He could give us eternal life.

Of course, you can't lead your child or anyone else where you haven't been yourself. Maybe in all your years of church and even Christian experiences and beliefs, you've somehow missed the deciding issue in whether you have a personal relationship with God, in whether you'll end up in heaven or hell. It's the cross. Has there ever been a time in your life when you, in your heart, made your way to the foot of that cross where Jesus paid for your sin with His life? When you fell on your knees there and said, "Jesus, for me. WhatYou did here is for me." That's the moment when you turn from a life that's been all about you and you begin a life that's all about Jesus -- when the Savior finally becomes your personal Savior.

If you've never done that (and you know you need to), tell Jesus that right now, right where you are. This day can be the day you embrace the cross. My booklet, "Yours For Life," is all about making sure you've begun this personal relationship with Jesus, and I'd like to send it to you if you'll just let me know you want it.

From a newly arrived granddaughter to a soon-to-leave great-grandmother -- and for everyone in between -- spiritual security begins when you hang on tight to the cross of Jesus. Soon our granddaughter will learn the precious words of that little song, "Jesus loves me, this I know." You can experience that love for yourself this very day.

If you're not sure you belong to Jesus, and you would like to make sure today, Ron would like to send to you afree copy of the booklet, "Yours for Life: How to Have Life's Most Important Relationship." To read it online, click here:
Copyright (c) 2003, Ron Hutchcraft. Reprinted with permission. "A Word With You" is a radio outreach of Ron Hutchcraft Ministries, Inc.
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