Who: Ryoji Mochizuki [AU] (Avatar Form). [OPEN]
What: The Minus Wave's effect finally snaps the resistance of one very brave non-human. Basically, Ryoji has gone full-on Nyx Avatar and is going to likely kill--or attempt to kill--those that resist.
When: The Dark Hour, precisely when it arrives and the scenery changes.
Where: Over the entire Residential area and then the flooded Hub. You know. Chilling out; floating soundlessly. :|a
Other: Please refer to
THIS post. The short version: There will be a thread expected where Mikuru will attack him, and eventually end up in trouble. There may also be a separate thread that could possibly develop... if that occurs, feel free to poke your character(s) into both or either. I'll chime in with Ryoji every once in awhile. Optionally you may post to merely "chat" with him one on one dated before any kind of "carnage" starts to occur.
Even those threading in the main thread may also post a reaction thread (if they like) and have other characters respond--I'm leaving this open completely. If you're confused, feel free to ask me about it
HERE, again. Otherwise, feel free to jump in at any point anywhere. You guys have a whole hour to deal with this guy... good luck~!
As the days had worn on, Ryoji had become something of a recluse. But then, he'd spoken with the red-haired exorcist, Lavi, who promised him that they would defeat Nyx--and himself--if he got out of control and the Fall came... but each night, he fought against the internal desire of the Shadow within him brought on by the (as of still unknown by name) side-effects of the Minus Wave. At first, he fought it well, after his talk with Lavi, he felt... safer. He couldn't bring himself to see Kyon, yet, but he could--did--however, manage to try and start greeting new arrivals again when he happened to be passing by. And the more he met them, the better he began to feel. It wasn't EASY, mind you, but he could resist it for them. The fight he'd had with Mewtwo and losing himself during it prior was beginning to become all but a vague memory as a week passed, and then another... and he slowly came out of hiding. ... And then, that night happened. He'd begun trying to sleep through the Dark Hour, versus his usual staying up during it. This made it easier for him to handle the adverse effects that seemed to come and go in strength, but always were there. When Ryoji opened his eyes that night, though, his mind was suddenly flooded with the whispers of another, more powerful being:
'Don't you want to help them...? You would be saving the humans from themselves.' ... No... he couldn't think this way. It wasn't HIM.
'Killing them so painlessly would heal not just humanity's suffering...' They weren't suffering! ... Were they? 'Every night nothing but terror of this place must fill their hearts...' The Dark Hour, this odd... whatever it is... he hated to think it, but it had a point. But he managed through this night, as well, even with the two voices in his head: one telling him to kill for enjoyment, and one telling him to kill to save everyone else....
By Friday of the next week, Ryoji had gone back to hiding from the whole of the Network's residents again: those who did see him or try to find him and succeed would have seen a mess of a young man: his hair was unkempt, he was a nervous, tired wreck, and he would barely speak to anyone, usually his back against a wall in the warehouse with his knees pulled up to his head. But still, he resisted it, even if it took all his concentration now from day AND night. That voice in his mind had become like a permanent echo--a soft, gentle, female voice... Nyx... urging him to help them. But he managed to fight this with logic: they were doing better than he was, so why would they need saving...?
When time rolled around to Monday, he'd finally stopped hiding and accepted his fate: he knew he was losing this battle, but no one would believe him that Nyx couldn't be defeated... that he couldn't die... and with Minato no longer around... he'd been abandoned. All he had was... Nyx. Or what he took to be her in his slowly dwindling reservoir of sanity. Come Friday, people would notice he had disappeared from the Network this day, completely. As it stood, he wasn't out and being silent, looking up at the moons and the sky like he had been previously this week. He was simply... gone. And the clocks ticked onward, time not waiting for any of them. It was likely that some other residents of the Void had begun to worry about the boy... but even if they'd organized a search party, he would be impossible to find.
As it was nearing Midnight, and by connection, the Dark Hour, anyone with or without the slightest sensing capabilities would have been able to feel the chill in the air. The temperature; the FEELING... just the simple dread that knots your stomach up into large twists several times over, even without knowing much about Ryoji... something was coming. Something would happen tonight, and within the second. ... And it did.
Not a moment after the Dark Hour had begun to change the Void, and the moons and sky had turned a sickly shade of glowing green, there was a small noise. Then another. Silhouetted in the light of the largest of the Moons, a
large, winged figure with a sword as long as it's wings were huge appeared. It would be difficult to discern its features, however, but slowly it landed in the Residential Zone, permeating an aura of sheer terror; pure panic... the feeling you only get when you're hopelessly about to die. And quietly, without a word, it smiled... for a few minutes, it was quiet, as if observing the area. And then, suddenly, out of nowhere, its voice echoed in a horrible, confirming kind of way as it spoke.
"... The End is within the soul of all who are living..." it began, evenly. "I feel your fear, sons of man... and sons of beast. If you accept the Fall into all your hearts where it already is instead of denying it, She will be all the more comforting..."
The large wings extended outwards, and created a huge gust as they beat against the air. Whatever this was--whomever--could, of course, be thought of as the reason why Ryoji Mochizuki had disappeared. Those who knew would be dreading this more... those who didn't... perhaps just as badly.
"Let the Arcana be your guide to me... is it not what the living place their trust in most?" There's an almost small, confirming widening of it's ever-present grin. "After all, it was indeed man who would trust his life to the cards... yes... the Arcana is the means by which all will be revealed. Allow yourselves the absolute certainty of your emotions... of your fear. Do not cling to your lives as a child would cling to its mother... it will only serve to make the End that much more difficult to accept for you."
It was almost as though the moons were directing their light, even, toward this being, as if he were on a stage, or at a show... and with that, the figure floated out and over to the flooded Hub, as if waiting, over the fitting pool of water-turned-blood.