Who: Bumblebee and OPEN!
What: Bumblebee arrives in a new, strange world. Again.
Where: Train station and then to the hub.
When: The 24th, afternoon.
It wasn't so much that Bumblebee wasn't used to weird things happening. No, he was good in that respect. Weird was a staple of his life by now. It went hand in hand with danger.
Still freaked out, though? Yes. Yes, very much so. Which was why there was a small compact hatchback tearing its way into the hub, wheels squealing in protest at the unnecessary application of speed. To anyone watching, it would be your average bright yellow and be-racing-striped driverless car.
Also one that was babbling to itself.
"Okay, no idea how I got here, weird floating island things, a train, a creepy AI lady - weren't there supposed to be other residents somewhere around here?"