Credit for the caps.
Comments are love ♥
-Then there are those three words I'm not able to say,
but, Taylor, this is what I can tell you today.
Though I can't say those words to you tonight,
please, stick with me, because I feel someday I might.
Taylor: Who is this?
Ryan: What are you wearing?
Taylor: Ryan?
Ryan: Yes.
Taylor: Were you just trying to stalk me?
Ryan: Yeah, I guess I need a little more practice.
Taylor: That is the most romantic thing anyone has ever done for me.
Taylor: Okay seven minutes are up. You said you wanted to take it slow.
Ryan: Well yeah, I don't think eight minutes will be rushing. And nine seems like a good pace.
And ten! Is a nice, round number.
(Ryan is about to get into his dirty Taylor fanaties.)
Taylor: Hey Ryan.
Ryan: I gotta go. Can't talk.
Taylor: I'm not here to see you.
Ryan: That's nice.
Taylor: Sorry, that I kissed you.
Ryan: What? No It's okay.
Taylor: It's obviously not okay.
You're totally uncomfortable around me now.
- Are you dirty Ryan?
Ryan: Whoa.
Taylor: You don't find me strange?
Ryan: I do, but that's not why I took off. Look I'm not ready got a girlfriend.
Taylor: Just because I wanna use your body as a jungle gym,
doesn't mean that we have to ger married.
Ryan: See.
Taylor: Look you're a sweet, smart, great guy Ryan Atwood.
And Hot. Did I mention hot?
So whatever happens...happens.
Ryan: Taylor that's..
Taylor: Normal? I know, I have my moments.
Ryan: I realized, that when I talked to you yesterday
I may have been a little insensitive.
Taylor: You? Never.
Ryan: I also realized, that we may never see each other again.
Taylor: Haven't really tought about it.
Ryan: And, when we do say goodbye, I want it to be as friends.
Taylor: Friends. Sure. Ryan Atwood, mon ami. Sounds terrif.
Taylor: I know, I know. Bad Taylor!
Gonna go to sleep now. Goodbye Ryan, it was nice.
Ryan: Taylor. Taaaaylor. Are you pretending to go to sleep,
thinking that I'll tell you I love you while you're unconcious?
Taylor: Maybe.
(Ryan starts laughing)
Taylor: Don't laugh at me!
Ryan: I'm not...I'm not laughing.
Taylor: It's hard dating someone, who doesn't tell you how they feel and..
Ryan: I love you.
Taylor: What?
Ryan: I love you.
Taylor: You do?
Ryan: Oh yeah.
Taylor: Can't believe you just said that.
Ryan: Neither can I.