
Jul 10, 2005 23:41

Independence is so bittersweet. Moving on into my new life brought so many emotions out of me. Leaving my family and friends behind was the most significantly difficult moment in my life. When i got to college i kinda threw the sadness away and replaced it with crazy parties and meeting as many people as i could. My life has been throwing me ( Read more... )

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Comments 19

fashionista4u July 11 2005, 04:27:52 UTC
if you really are confused with what direction you think you should go,then i think you are well-grounded enough to know exactly where you want life to take you...as long as that instinct does't throw you in the path that you are trying to avoid.think things through because you're at the point of your life that any false move and it could very well impact your future gravely...have fun but dont be Curious George...you experienced everything you had to during these crazy high school years..at least enough to serve you well in this new life you call freedom. i trust you'll make all the right decisions!


bubbrubbwoowoo July 11 2005, 14:48:06 UTC
i hope so. that was really nice of you. i can't wait to see you guys when I come down.


fashionista4u July 12 2005, 04:29:15 UTC
whoop-whoop to that!!!!


watermeli July 11 2005, 06:04:34 UTC
i miss you too pooey. you totally crossed paths with my brother and myself while we were up in gainesville for preview. i hope to talk to u soon and see you as soon as fall starts. and just remember that friends are forever and just because you have drifted distance wise that what you had there before will still be there with those you are closest too. besos! <3


lilmel023 July 11 2005, 06:31:39 UTC
chris you are one of the most amazing people i have ever met in my life. i could even go as far to say that meeting you and ricky has got to be one of the best things that has ever happened to me. i know we are far apart and our summer is not the same without you. not one day goes by without me thinking about the trio. and i know that our friendship is strong enough to withstand anything that may be thrown in our direction. i noticed in those fortunate moments that i got to spend with you in gainesville that things we somewhat different. but the fact still remains that although im not sure that im speaking for myself here, we still have that bond that will never be broken and i feel that with you every moment that i am with you, even when we are hundreds of miles apart. i love you chris and i always will, your best friend, truly....mely.


bubbrubbwoowoo July 11 2005, 14:45:04 UTC
love you too. and dont worry things may be different slightly but im sure that when you get here we will get back to normal. i miss u so much.


bubbrubbwoowoo July 11 2005, 14:50:45 UTC
sorry we didn't get to see eachother when you were here but i was really busy. i only got to see melissa because she escaped for like an hour lol. I just bought an amazing apartment off campus for the fall so you are more than welcome to visit when yopu get here!!


nineinchednails July 11 2005, 06:43:17 UTC
that is worded so nicely. i'm preparing myself for a change i don't want to change.


bubbrubbwoowoo July 11 2005, 14:47:04 UTC
it will hit you but dont worry New York is really perfect for you and you will be able to adjust just fine. miss u!


liveit_shoveit July 11 2005, 20:04:01 UTC
surprising as it may seem to you, i really miss you alot. you have been an amazing friend, and even though i know we never got super colse, you always made me feel important. i'll never forget our crazy times in spring break, it wouldn't have been the same without you. much love chris. and like meli said, friends are forever...no matter the distance.


bubbrubbwoowoo July 12 2005, 03:00:00 UTC
i miss you too and your randomness and all of the facial expressions. Hope we see eachother soon!


glitterwhore25 July 12 2005, 00:28:12 UTC
my fifer. i miss you. im glad to see you are adjusting well and seeing new things. you were ready for that since day one. hopefully spring semester will bring me your way and our long standing record of 13 unseparated years will go unmarked. you will always be a part of my life whether you're physically present or not and i hope i will always be a part of yours. i miss you alot, love i hope you found a new rumor patroller up there to control the rowdiness. you know that you can call me if you ever need anything at any time i love you


bubbrubbwoowoo July 12 2005, 03:01:07 UTC
Gaby who are we kidding we will be stuck with eachother till the day we die. love ya you smelly peruvian!


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