Previous Entry Last night my bed was been too cold, I really need Daisy here to help warm it up. Not being sure of how she will take my lack of a home, I rushed her to the arch. I hope she didn't get a good look around.
Cha-ching! I never thought to ask her about her funds. At least with this we can start building the home I've told her about.
As you can see here, my house is nothing to write home about. There is just one wall where the so-called bathroom is, so much for being a shy person at this house. No privacy allowed here. The bookcase and refrigerator are just out in the open, waiting for you to steal. I hope Daisy isn't too mad, what I have described to her and what is actually here were two different things. Come to think about it, I think I need a better bed. I've been sleeping in a hammock tied up to the trees, just out of sight here in this picture.
This just can't be good. What can go wrong, went wrong! In the middle of out wedding party, it started to snow. SNOW!! I just don't understand it. The voice who guides me said I couldn't build the house until the guests are gone. Why not? I along with my guests are freezing in our FORMAL wear.
I am frozen. What was I thinking? I mean, he told me so much about his house. We took pictures to put on the wall. Where is this house? Where are the walls? Who is this Ruby person he thinks I remind him of? That will change, once I warm up!
Daisy was sure happier once the builders showed up and put up the walls and roof. I couldn't believe they show up late at night and handled it all in a timely manner.
A few hours later, Daisy returned from her trip to town and was I shocked. Everything changed about her. Who was this woman I married?
Honeymoon time. Firstly we stayed at a local campgrounds. I never would have thought Daisy would go for that, but it was her idea.
We spent much time fishing with the locals. And when I say we spent much time, I mean we were out there
day and
night fishing.
I even won a local fishing competition with this fish.
When we weren't fishing we relaxed in a local suana. I can say I really got relaxed in that room a few times.
There were nights of relaxing in the hot spring.
Before the end of our trip, we decided to go to a local hotel. The campground can be hard on you after a few nights.
I must admit, it was nice to have a nice peaceful dinner.
Before I knew it, it was time to return home. I see the builders are finished and we at least have a home to stay in now.
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