Pictures from Homecoming Week!! Dance is tonight WOOHOO!!!!!!!
MONDAY!!! Twin Day...So yeah, Jean, we were rockin Commies!!!
Tuesday: "Kindygarden" Day...aww "Tywee end i are bestest friends"
WEDNESDAY::: TOGA TOGA TOGA TOGA TOGA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yay for Senior Toga Day!!!!!! '06!
Isn't Lexi's toga cute?!
Still bestest friends lol
LOVED Lauren's Toga!!
Wow, Our entire AP Lit Class dressed in Togas!!
Haha! Jean, Jordan, Cassidy, Me, and Shahier anti-toga commie!!
Ok...Next...Are you ready?!?!?!?!!? Millionaire/Movie Star Day!!!!
WOOT!! showin' some leg!, that caused quite a stir at 5 dollar thrift store glitter dress
Don't mess with us billionaires!
Braves Brawl/Game/Dance pics coming!